(a) The Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (Sanctuary) consists of an area of approximately 2,408 square nautical miles (nmi) of coastal and ocean waters, and the submerged lands thereunder, off the central and northern coast of the State of Washington.
(b) The Sanctuary boundary extends from Koitlah Point due north to the United States/Canada international boundary. The Sanctuary boundary then follows the U.S./Canada international boundary seaward to the 100 fathom isobath. The seaward boundary of the Sanctuary approximates the 100 fathom isobath in a southerly direction from the U.S./Canada international boundary to a point due west of the mouth of the Copalis River cutting across the heads of Nitnat, Juan de Fuca and Quinault Canyons. The coastal boundary of the Sanctuary is the mean higher high water line when adjacent to Federally managed lands cutting across the mouths of all rivers and streams, except where adjacent to Indian reservations, State and county owned lands; in such case, the coastal boundary is the mean lower low water line. La Push harbor is excluded from the Sanctuary boundary shoreward of the International Collision at Sea regulation (Colreg.) demarcation lines. The boundary coordinates are listed in appendix A to this subpart. [60 FR 66877, Dec. 27, 1995, as amended at 76 FR 67360, Nov. 1, 2011]