Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 15  /  Part 922  /  Sec. 922.187 Interagency Cooperation.

Under section 304(d) of the NMSA, Federal agency actions internal or external to a national marine sanctuary, including private activities authorized by licenses, leases, or permits, that are likely to destroy, cause the loss of, or injure any sanctuary resource are subject to consultation with the Director. The Federal agency proposing an action shall determine whether the activity is likely to destroy, cause the loss of, or injure a Sanctuary resource. To the extent practicable, consultation procedures under section 304(d) of the NMSA may be consolidated with interagency cooperation procedures required by other statutes, such as the ESA. The Director will attempt to provide coordinated review and analysis of all environmental requirements.

Sec. Appendix A to Subpart Q of Part 922--Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale, National Marine Sanctuary Boundary Description and Coordinates of

the Lateral Boundary Closures and Excluded Areas.

Appendix A provides a text and pictoral (see Figures 1-3) description of the Sanctuary boundary with specific lateral closure points and exclusion areas. The lateral extents (bounds) of each boundary area are closed by straight lines defined by at least two points. It may be necessary to extend these lines beyond the defining points to intersect the actual 100 fathom contour or the shoreline. Each point corresponds to a bounds number indicated in Figure 2. Digital files of the Sanctuary boundary (available in three common formats, ESRI Shape File, MapInfo Table, and an ASCII Exchange Format) are available from the Sanctuary office in Kihei, Maui, at the address listed above or by calling (808) 879-2818. These digital geographies are the best available representation of the verbal legal delineation and were derived from: the Hawaiian shoreline as supplied by State of Hawaii through the Office of Planning GIS Office, the NOAA and State of Hawaii agreed upon lateral boundary and exclusion areas, and the 100 fathom isobath digitized from the following 1:80,000 scale NOAA nautical charts-19327--West Coast of Hawaii (9th ED, 4/29/89), 19347--Channels between Molokai, Maui, Lanai, and Kahoolawe (17th ED, 12/13/97),19351--Channels between Oahu, Molokai, and Lanai (8th ED, 7/01/1989),19357--Island of Oahu (20th ED, 9/21/1996), and19381--Island of Kauai (8th ED, 7/17/1993)].

For the portion of the Lanai region of the HIHWNMS west of Chart 19351,[157 deg. 42.8' west] the 100 fathom contour was derived from the 1:250,000 chart 19340--Hawaii to Oahu (24th ED, 1/09/1993).

All digital geography data have been referenced to WGS84 (NAD83) and have been converted to geographic (latitude and longitude) coordinates.

Sanctuary Boundary

A. As defined by the specific lateral boundaries in B, and except for excluded areas described in paragraph C of this section, the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary consists of the submerged lands and waters off the coast of the Hawaiian Islands seaward from the shoreline, cutting across the mouths of rivers and streams (see Figure 1):

1. To the 100-fathom (183 meter) isobath from Kailiu Point eastward to Mokolea Point, Kauai;

2. To the 100-fathom (183 meter) isobath from Puaena Point eastward to Mahie Point, and from the Kapahulu Groin in Waikiki eastward to Makapuu Point, Oahu;

3. To the 100-fathom (183 meter) isobath from Cape Halawa, Molokai, south and westward to Ilio Point, Molokai; southwestward to include Penguin Banks; eastward along the east side of Lanai; to the waters seaward of the three nautical mile limit north of Kahoolawe, to the Hanamanoia Lighthouse on Maui, and northward along the shoreline to Lipoa Point, Maui;

4. To the deep water area of Pailolo Channel from Cape Halawa, Molokai, to Lipoa Point, Maui, and southward;

5. To the 100-fathom (183 meter) isobath from Upolu Point southward to Keahole Point, Hawaii. [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR29NO99.000

B. Lateral Closure Bounds for the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary Boundary (see Figure 2). [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR29NO99.001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

No. of

Bound No. (Fig. 2) Geographic name points Latitude Longitude----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1............................... Kailiu Pt., Kauai................. 2 22 deg.13'24.7 ^159 deg.34'52.2

` `

22 deg.16'33.5 ^159 deg.35'59.4

` `

2............................... Mokolea Pt., Kauai................ 2 22 deg.13'29.9 ^159 deg.22'55.8

` `

22 deg.14'55.4 -159 deg.22'19.3

` `

3............................... Puaena Pt., N. Oahu............... 2 21 deg.38'24.6 ^158 deg.8'26.0`

` ^158 deg.6'24.5`

21 deg.36'8.4`

4............................... Mahie Pt., N. Oahu................ 2 21 deg.33'37.3 ^157 deg.51'51.9

` `

21 deg.35'32.2 ^157 deg.50'5.5`


5............................... Kapahulu Groin, S. Oahu........... 3 21 deg.15'5.7` ^157 deg.50'27.5

21 deg.16'6.1` `

21 deg.16'6.2` ^157 deg.49'25.7


^157 deg.49'23.8


6............................... Makapuu Pt., S. Oahu.............. 2 21 deg.18'39.6 ^157 deg.38'56.7

` `

21 deg.19'44.7 ^157 deg.35'46.1

` `

7............................... Ilio Pt, Molokai.................. 2 21 deg.13'25.7 ^157 deg.18'45.8

` `

21 deg.13'27.0 ^157 deg.15'14.4

` `

8............................... Pailolo Channel, C. Halawa to 2 21 deg.1'29.8` ^156 deg.38'22.0

Lipoa Pt.. 21 deg.9'29.5` `

^156 deg.42'37.2


9............................... Hanamanoia Lighthouse, Maui....... 2 20 deg.34'21.8 ^156 deg.26'51.1

` `

20 deg.34'58.4 ^156 deg.24'45.2

` `

10.............................. 3 Nmi. closure around Kahoolawe... 51 20 deg.35'58.1 ^156 deg.29'32.0

` `

20 deg.35'59.9 ^156 deg.29'33.0

` `

....... 20 deg.36'3.9` ^156 deg.29'35.5


....... 20 deg.36'6.6` ^156 deg.29'36.9


....... 20 deg.36'16.3 ^156 deg.29'43.1

` `

....... 20 deg.36'25.7 ^156 deg.29'49.9

` `

....... 20 deg.36'34.6 ^156 deg.29'57.3

` `

....... 20 deg.36'39.9 ^156 deg.30'2.2`


....... 20 deg.36'43.8 ^156 deg.30'5.5`


....... 20 deg.36'50.8 ^156 deg.30'12.1

` `

....... 20 deg.36'59.0 ^156 deg.30'16.5

` `

....... 20 deg.37'58.7 ^156 deg.30'22.7

` `

....... 20 deg.37'18.1 ^156 deg.30'29.5

` `

....... 20 deg.37'27.0 ^156 deg.30'36.8

` `

....... 20 deg.37'35.5 ^156 deg.30'44.8

` `

....... 20 deg.37'43.4 ^156 deg.30'53.4

` `

....... 20 deg.37'50.9 ^156 deg.31'2.4`


....... 20 deg.37'56.4 ^156 deg.31'10.0

` `

....... 20 deg.37'59.0 ^156 deg.31'13.2

` `

....... 20 deg.38'6.0` ^156 deg.31'22.7


....... 20 deg.38'8.6` ^156 deg.31'26.8


....... 20 deg.38'10.8 ^156 deg.31'29.9

` `

....... 20 deg.38'17.2 ^156 deg.31'39.9

` `

....... 20 deg.38'18.9 ^156 deg.31'43.0

` `

....... 20 deg.38'23.4 ^156 deg.31'48.4

` `

....... 20 deg.38'30.3 ^156 deg.31'58.0

` `

....... 20 deg.38'36.6 ^156 deg.32'7.9`


....... 20 deg.38'42.4 ^156 deg.32'18.3

` `

....... 20 deg.38'43.4 ^156 deg.32'20.5

` `

....... 20 deg.38'46.4 ^156 deg.32'25.9

` `

....... 20 deg.38'51.5 ^156 deg.32'36.7

` `

....... 20 deg.38'56.0 ^156 deg.32'47.7

` `

....... 20 deg.38'59.8 ^156 deg.32'59.1

` `

....... 20 deg.39'3.0` ^156 deg.33'10.7


....... 20 deg.39'4.0` ^156 deg.33'15.7


....... 20 deg.39'4.4` ^156 deg.33'17.0


....... 20 deg.39'5.3` ^156 deg.33'21.1


....... 20 deg.39'6.8` ^156 deg.33'28.7


....... 20 deg.39'8.6` ^156 deg.33'40.7


....... 20 deg.39'8.9` ^156 deg.33'44.4


....... 20 deg.39'9.7` ^156 deg.33'49.6


....... 20 deg.39'10.1 ^156 deg.33'53.8

` `

....... 20 deg.39'11.0 ^156 deg.34'0.3`


....... 20 deg.39'12.1 ^156 deg.34'12.4

` `

....... 20 deg.39'12.5 ^156 deg.34'24.4

` `

....... 20 deg.39'12.4 ^156 deg.34'25.4

` `

....... 20 deg.39'12.6 ^156 deg.34'30.5

` `

....... 20 deg.39'12.2 ^156 deg.34'42.6

` `

....... 20 deg.39'11.8 ^156 deg.34'47.7

` `

....... 20 deg.39'11.7 ^156 deg.34'48.9

` `

....... 20 deg.39'11.3 ^156 deg.34'55.8

` `11............................... Technical Cosure.................. 2 20 deg.41'39.2 ^156 deg.37'7.5`

` ^156 deg.38'3.6`

20 deg.41'45.0


North of Kahoolawe................12............................... Upolu Pt., Hawaii (Big Island).... 2 20 deg.16'5.3` ^155 deg.51'0.5`

20 deg.17'59.9 ^155 deg.51'17.2

` `13............................... Keahole Pt., Hawaii (Big Island).. 2 19 deg.43'39.6 ^156'3'42.7`

` ^156 deg.4'14.5`

19 deg.43'41.5

`----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C. Excluded Ports and Harbors Bounds (see Figure 3). [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR29NO99.002 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

No. of

Bound No. (Fig.2) Geographic Name Points Latitude Longitude----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14............................... Kawaihae Harbor, Big Island 2 20 deg.2'14.3` ^155 deg.50'2.5`

exclusion. 20 deg.2'25.3` ^155 deg.49'57.7

`15............................... Haleolono Harbor, Molokai 2 21 deg.5'3.5` ^157 deg.14'58.6

exclusion. 21 deg.5'4.8` `

^157 deg.14'55.2

`16............................... Kaunakakai Harbor, Molokai 4 21 deg.5'13.9` ^157 deg.1'35.7`

exclusion. 21 deg.4'49.2` ^157 deg.1'58.3`

21 deg.4'38.5` ^157 deg.1'41.2`

21 deg.5'7.4` ^157 deg.1'15.0`17............................... Kaumalapau Harbor, Lanai exclusion 2 20 deg.47'9.2` ^156 deg.59'32.2

20 deg.47'1.1` `

^156 deg.59'31.3

`18............................... Manele Harbor, Lanai exclusion.... 2 20 deg.44'33.2 ^156 deg.53'12.9

` `

20 deg.44'35.2 ^156 deg.53'14.1

` `19............................... Lahaina Harbor, Maui exclusion.... 2 20 deg.52'18.3 ^156 deg.40'45.0

` `

20 deg.52'18.8 ^156 deg.40'44.0

` `20............................... Maalaea Harbor, Maui exclusion.... 2 20 deg.47'32.1 ^156 deg.30'35.0

` `

20 deg.47'24.8 ^156 deg.30'39.6

` `

21............................... Western closure Kuapa Pond (Hawaii 2 21 deg.17'7.0` ^157 deg.43'7.7`

Kai), Oahu. 21 deg.17'6.5` ^157 deg.43'7.0`22............................... Eastern closure Kuapa Pond (Hawaii 2 21 deg.16'53.3 ^157 deg.42'42.7

Kai), Oahu. ` `

21 deg.16'51.9 ^157 deg.42'40.3

` `----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------