(a) In designating a National Marine Sanctuary, the Secretary shall prepare the designation materials described in section 304 of the Act.
(b) If a proposed Sanctuary includes waters within the exclusive economic zone, the Secretary shall notify the appropriate Regional Fishery Management Council(s) which shall have one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date of such notification to make recommendations and, if appropriate, prepare draft fishery regulations and to submit them to the Secretary. In preparing its recommendations and draft regulations, the Council(s) shall use as guidance the national standards of section 301(a) of the Magnuson Act (16 U.S.C. 1851) to the extent that they are consistent and compatible with the goals and objectives of the proposed Sanctuary designation. Fishery activities not proposed for regulation under section 304(a)(5) of the Act may be listed in the draft Sanctuary designation document as potentially subject to regulation, without following the procedures specified in section 304(a)(5) of the Act. If the Secretary subsequently determines that regulation of any such fishery activity is necessary, then the procedures specified in section 304(a)(5) of the Act shall be followed. Sec. 922.23 [Reserved]