In addition to the prohibitions set out in Sec. 922.92, which apply throughout the Sanctuary, the following activities are prohibited and thus unlawful for any person to conduct or cause to be conducted within the research area described in Appendix A to this subpart.
(a)(1) Injuring, catching, harvesting, or collecting, or attempting to injure, catch, harvest, or collect, any marine organism, or any part thereof, living or dead.
(1) Injuring, catching, harvesting, or collecting, or attempting to injure, catch, harvest, or collect, any marine organism, or any part thereof, living or dead.
(2) There shall be a rebuttable presumption that any marine organism or part thereof referenced in this paragraph found in the possession of a person within the research area has been collected from the research area.
(b) Using any fishing gear, or possessing, or carrying any fishing gear unless such gear is stowed and not available for immediate use while on board a vessel transiting through the research area without interruption or for valid law enforcement purposes.
(c) Diving.
(d) Stopping a vessel in the research area. [76 FR 63832, Oct. 14, 2011]
Sec. Appendix A to Subpart I of Part 922--Boundary Coordinates for the
Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary Research Area
[Coordinates listed in this Appendix are unprojected (Geographic) and based on the North American Datum of 1983.]
The research area boundary is defined by the coordinates provided in Table 1 and the following textual description. The research area boundary extends from Point 1, the southwest corner of the sanctuary, to Point 2 along a straight line following the western boundary of the Sanctuary. It then extends along a straight line from Point 2 to Point 3, which is on the eastern boundary of GRNMS. The boundary then follows the eastern boundary line of the sanctuary southward until it intersects the line of the southern boundary of GRNMS at Point 4, the southeastern corner of the sanctuary. The last straight line is defined by connecting Point 4 and Point 5, along the southern boundary of the GRNMS.
Table 1--Coordinates for the Research Area----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Point ID Latitude (north, in degrees) Longitude (west, in degrees)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1................................... N 31.362732 W 80.9212002................................... N 31.384444 W 80.9212003................................... N 31.384444 W 80.8281454................................... N 31.362732 W 80.8281455................................... N 31.362732 W 80.921200---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [76 FR 63832, Oct. 14, 2011]