(a) The purpose of this subpart is to set forth the criteria and procedures for awarding coastal zone enhancement grants under section 309 of the Coastal Zone Management Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1456). This subpart describes the criteria States must address in developing and implementing coastal zone enhancement objectives, the procedures for allocating section 309 funds between weighted formula and individual review of proposals of special merit, how the amount of section 309 weighted formula grants will be determined, the criteria NOAA will use to evaluate and rank individual proposals of special merit, and the procedures for applying for financial assistance under section 309. This subpart also allows use of section 309 funds for implementation of program changes for up to 2 fiscal years following the fiscal year in which a program change was approved.
(b) A coastal State with an approved program under section 306 of the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA), as amended (16 U.S.C. 1455), is eligible for grants under this subpart if the State meets the following requirements:
(1) The State must have a NOAA approved Assessment and Strategy, submitted in accordance with NOAA guidance and 923.128;
(2) The State must be found to be adhering to its approved program and must be making satisfactory progress in performing grant tasks under section 306, as indicated by not being under interim or final sanctions; and
(3) The State must be making satisfactory progress in carrying out its previous year's award under section 309.
(c) If the Assistant Administrator finds that a State is not undertaking the actions committed to under the terms of a section 309 grant, the Assistant Administrator shall suspend the State's eligibility for future funding under this section for at least one year.
(d) A State's eligibility for future funding under this section will be restored after the State demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the Assistant Administrator, that it will conform with the requirements under this part.
(e) Funds awarded to States under section 309 are for the enhancement of existing coastal zone management programs. A State which reduces overall State financial support for its CZM program as a result of having been awarded section 309 funding may lose eligibility for funding under section 309 in subsequent years.
(f) All applications for funding under section 309 of the CZMA, as amended, including proposed work programs, funding priorities and funding awards, are subject to the administrative discretion of the Assistant Administrator and any additional NOAA guidance.
(g) Grants awarded under section 309 may be used:
(1) To support up to 100 percent of the allowable costs of approved projects under section 309 of the CZMA, as amended; or
(2) To implement program changes approved by the Secretary for up to two fiscal years following the fiscal year in which a program change was approved.
(h) All application forms are to be requested from and submitted to: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, Coastal Programs Division, 1305 East-West Highway (N/ORM3), Silver Spring, MD 20910. [57 FR 31116, July 14, 1992. Redesignated and amended at 61 FR 33818, June 28, 1996; 62 FR 12541, Mar. 17, 1997]