(a) As required by section 312(b) of the Act, in evaluating a coastal State's performance, the Secretary shall conduct the evaluation in an open and public manner, and provide full opportunity for public participation, including holding public meetings in the State being evaluated and providing opportunities for the submission of written and oral comments by the public. The Secretary shall provide the public with at least 45 days notice of such public meetings by placing a notice in the Federal Register, by publication of timely notices in newspapers of general circulation within the State being evaluated, and by communications with persons and organizations known to be interested in the evaluation. Each evaluation shall be prepared in report form and shall include written responses to the written comments received during the evaluation process.
(b) Requirements. (1) The Assistant Administrator will publish a Notice of Intent to Evaluate in the Federal Register at least 45 days before the public meeting(s). The notice will include a Statement of the availability of the State's performance report and the supplemental information request.
(1) The Assistant Administrator will publish a Notice of Intent to Evaluate in the Federal Register at least 45 days before the public meeting(s). The notice will include a Statement of the availability of the State's performance report and the supplemental information request.
(2) Each State will issue a notice of the public meeting(s) in its evaluation by placing a notice in the newspaper(s) of largest circulation in the coastal area where the meeting(s) is being held and by taking other reasonable action to communicate with persons and organizations known to be interested in the evaluation, such as sending a notice of the meeting(s) to persons on its mailing list and publishing a notice in its newsletter, at least 45 days before the date of the public meeting(s). The State will provide a copy of such notice to the Assistant Administrator. States are encouraged to republish the newspaper notice at least 15 days before the date of the public meeting(s). The State will inform the public that oral or written comments will be accepted and that attendance at the public meeting(s) is not necessary for submission of written comments.
(3) Notice of the availability of final findings will be published in the Federal Register. The notice will state that copies of the final findings will be available to the public upon written request. Copies of the final findings will be sent to persons and organizations who participated in the evaluation, in accordance with 923.133(b)(7). [47 FR 21021, May 17, 1982, as amended at 57 FR 31114, July 14, 1992. Redesignated and amended at 61 FR 33818, June 28, 1996]