(a) Further detailing of a State's program that is the result of implementing provisions approved as part of a State's approved management program, that does not result in the type of action described in Sec. 923.80(d), will be considered a routine program change. While a routine change is not subject to the amendment procedures contained in Sec. Sec. 923.81 through 923.82, it is subject to mediation provisions of Sec. 923.83.
(b)(1) States must notify OCRM of routine program change actions in order that OCRM may review the action to ensure it does not constitute an amendment. The state notification shall identify any enforceable policies to be added to the management program, and explain why the program change will not result in the type of action described in Sec. 923.80(d).
(1) States must notify OCRM of routine program change actions in order that OCRM may review the action to ensure it does not constitute an amendment. The state notification shall identify any enforceable policies to be added to the management program, and explain why the program change will not result in the type of action described in Sec. 923.80(d).
(i) States have the option of notifying OCRM of routine changes on a case-by-case basis, periodically throughout the year, or annually.
(ii) In determining when and how often to notify OCRM of such actions, States should be aware that Federal consistency will apply only after the notice required by paragraph (b)(4) of this section has been provided.
(2) Concurrent with notifying OCRM, States must provide notice to the general public and affected parties, including local governments, other State agencies and regional offices of relevant federal agencies of the notification given OCRM.
(i) This notice must:
(A) Describe the nature of the routine program change and identify any enforceable policies to be added to the management program if the State's request is approved;
(B) Indicate that the State considers it to be a routine program change and has requested OCRM's concurrence in that determination; and
(C) Indicate that any comments on whether or not the action does or does not constitute a routine program change may be submitted to OCRM within 3 weeks of the date of issuance of the notice.
(ii) Where relevant Federal agencies do not maintain regional offices, notice must be provided to the headquarters office.
(3) Within 4 weeks of receipt of notice from a State, OCRM will inform the State whether it concurs that the action constitutes a routine program change. Failure to notify a State in writing within 4 weeks of receipt of notice shall be considered concurrence.
(4) Where OCRM concurs, a State then must provide notice of this fact to the general public and affected parties, including local governments, other State agencies and relevant Federal agencies.
(i) This notice must:
(A) Indicate the date on which the State received concurrence from OCRM that the action constitutes a routine program change;
(B) Reference the earlier notice (required in paragraph (b)(2) of this section) for a description of the content of the action; and
(C) Indicate if Federal consistency applies as of the date of the notice called for in this paragraph.
(ii) Federal consistency shall not be required until this notice has been provided.
(5) Where OCRM does not concur, a State will be advised to:
(i) submit the action as an amendment, subject to the provisions of Sec. Sec. 923.81 through 923.82; or
(ii) resubmit the routine program change with additional information requested by OCRM concerning how the program will be changed as a result of the action. [61 FR 33815, June 28, 1996; 61 FR 36965, July 15, 1996]