(a) The primary purpose of development grants made pursuant to section 305 of the Act is to assist coastal States in the development of comprehensive coastal management programs that can be approved by the Assistant Administrator. The primary purpose of implementation grants made pursuant to section 306 of the Act is to assist coastal States in implementing coastal management programs following their approval, including especially administrative actions to implement enforceable program policies, authorities and other management techniques. The purpose of the guidelines in this subpart is to define the procedures by which grantees apply for and administer grants under the Act. These guidelines shall be used and interpreted in conjunction with applicable Federal laws and policies, Department of Commerce grants management regulations, policies and procedures, and any other applicable directives from the NOAA Grants Management Division and OCRM program offices.
(b) Grants awarded to a State must be expended for the development or administration, as appropriate, of a management program that meets the requirements of the Act, and in accordance with the terms of the award.
(c) All applications for funding under section 305 or 306 of the Act, including proposed work programs, funding priorities and allocations are subject to the discretion of the Assistant Administrator.
(d) For purposes of this subpart, the term development grant means a grant awarded pursuant to subsection 305(a) of the Act. ``Administrative grant'' and ``implementation grant'' are used interchangeably and mean grants awarded pursuant to subsection 306(a) of the Act.
(e) All application and preapplication forms are to be requested from and submitted to: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, Coastal Programs Division, 1305 East-West Highway (N/ORM3), Silver Spring, MD 20910.