(a) The State agency's six-month review period (see Sec. 930.62(a)) of an applicant's consistency certification begins on the date the State agency receives the consistency certification required by Sec. 930.57 and all the necessary data and information required by Sec. 930.58(a).
(1) If an applicant fails to submit a consistency certification, the State agency shall notify the applicant and the Federal agency, within 30 days of receipt of the incomplete submission, that a consistency certification satisfying Sec. 930.57 was not received and that the State agency's six-month review period will commence on the date of receipt of the missing certification, subject to paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
(2) If an applicant fails to submit all necessary data and information required by Sec. 930.58(a), the State agency shall notify the applicant and the Federal agency, within 30 days of receipt of the incomplete submission, that necessary data and information described in Sec. 930.58(a) was not received and that the State agency's six-month review period will commence on the date of receipt of the missing necessary data and information, subject to the requirement in paragraph (a) of this section that the applicant has also submitted a consistency certification. The State agency may waive the requirement in paragraph (a) of this section that all necessary data and information described in Sec. 930.58(a) be submitted before commencement of the State agency's six-month consistency review. In the event of such a waiver, the requirements of Sec. 930.58(a) must be satisfied prior to the end of the six-month consistency review period or the State agency may object to the consistency certification for insufficient information.
(3) Within 30 days of receipt of the consistency certification and/or necessary data and information that was deemed missing, pursuant to paragraphs (a)(1) or (2) of this section, the State agency shall notify the applicant and Federal agency that the certification and necessary data and information required pursuant to Sec. 930.58 is complete, the date the certification and/or necessary data and information deemed missing was received, and, that the State agency's consistency review commenced on the date of receipt. In the event of a State waiver under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, receipt of the necessary data and information deemed missing shall not alter the date the consistency review period commenced.
(b) State agencies and applicants (and persons under subpart E of this part) may mutually agree in writing to stay the six-month consistency review period. Such an agreement shall be in writing and state a specific date on when the stay will end. The State agency shall provide a copy of the written agreement to the Federal agency and the Federal agency shall not presume State agency concurrence with an applicant's consistency certification when such a written agreement to stay the six-month consistency review period is in effect. The State agency shall not stop, stay, or otherwise alter the consistency review period without such a written agreement with the applicant.
(c) The State agency's determination that a certification and necessary data and information under paragraph (a) of this section is complete is not a substantive review of the adequacy of the information received. If an applicant has submitted all necessary data and information required by Sec. 930.58, then a State agency's or Federal agency's assertion that the submitted information is substantively deficient, or a State agency's or Federal agency's request for clarification of the information provided, or information or data requested that is in addition to that required by Sec. 930.58 shall not extend the date of commencement of State agency review. [71 FR 827, Jan. 5, 2006]