(a) States with approved management programs should review applications from applicant agencies for federal assistance in accordance with E.O. 12372 and implementing regulations.
(b) The applicant agency shall submit an application for federal assistance to the State agency for consistency review, through the intergovernmental review process or by direct submission to the State agency, for any proposed federal assistance activity that is listed in the management program as a type of activity that will have a reasonably foreseeable effect on any coastal use or resource and occurring within the coastal zone (see Sec. 930.95(a)) or within a described geographic area outside of the coastal zone (see Sec. 930.95(b)).
(c) Applicant agency evaluation. The applicant agency shall provide to the State agency, in addition to the federal application, a brief evaluation on the relationship of the proposed activity and any reasonably foreseeable coastal effects to the enforceable policies of the management program.