State agencies should monitor proposed federal assistance activities outside of the coastal zone or the described geographic area (e.g., by use of the intergovernmental review process, review of NEPA documents, Federal Register) and shall immediately notify applicant agencies, Federal agencies, and any other agency or office which may be identified by the State in its intergovernmental review process pursuant to E.O. 12372 of proposed activities which will have reasonably foreseeable coastal effects and which the State agency is reviewing for consistency with the management program. Notification shall also be sent by the State agency to the Director. The Director, in his/her discretion, may review the State agency's decision to review the activity. The Director may disapprove the State agency's decision to review the activity only if the Director finds that the activity will not affect any coastal use or resource. The Director shall be guided by the provisions in Sec. 930.54(c). For purposes of this subpart, State agencies must inform the parties of objections within the time period permitted under the intergovernmental review process, otherwise the State agency waives its right to object to the proposed activity.