Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 16  /  Part 1112  /  Sec. 1112.13 How does a third party conformity assessment body apply

(a) Baseline Requirements. Each third party conformity assessment body seeking CPSC acceptance must:

(1) Submit a completed Consumer Product Conformity Assessment Body Registration Form (CPSC Form 223 or Application). In submitting a CPSC Form 223, the third party conformity assessment body must attest to facts and characteristics about its business that will determine whether the third party conformity assessment body is independent, firewalled, or governmental. The third party conformity assessment body also must attest that it has read, understood, and agrees to the regulations in this part. The third party conformity assessment body must update its CPSC Form 223 whenever any information previously supplied on the form changes.

(2) Submit the following documentation.

(i) Accreditation certificate. (A) The third party conformity assessment body must be accredited to the ISO/IEC Standard 17025:2005(E), ``General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories.''

(A) The third party conformity assessment body must be accredited to the ISO/IEC Standard 17025:2005(E), ``General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories.''

(B) The accreditation must be by an accreditation body that is a signatory to the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation-Mutual Recognition Arrangement (ILAC-MRA).

(ii) Statement of scope. The third party conformity assessment body's accreditation must include a statement of scope that clearly identifies each CPSC rule and/or test method for which CPSC acceptance is sought. Although a third party conformity assessment body may include more than one CPSC rule and/or test method in its scope in one application, it must submit a new application if the CPSC has already accepted the third party conformity assessment body for a particular scope, and the third party conformity assessment body wishes to expand its acceptance to include additional CPSC rules and/or test methods.

(b) Additional Requirements for Firewalled Third Party Conformity Assessment Bodies. (1) A third party conformity assessment body may be accepted as a firewalled third party conformity assessment body if the Commission, by order, makes the findings described in Sec. 1112.17(b).

(1) A third party conformity assessment body may be accepted as a firewalled third party conformity assessment body if the Commission, by order, makes the findings described in Sec. 1112.17(b).

(2) For the Commission to evaluate whether an applicant firewalled third party conformity assessment body satisfies the criteria listed in Sec. 1112.17(b), and in addition to the baseline accreditation requirements in paragraph (a) of this section, a firewalled third party conformity assessment body applying for acceptance of its accreditation must submit copies of:

(i) The third party conformity assessment body's established policies and procedures that explain:

(A) How the third party conformity assessment body will protect its test results from undue influence by the manufacturer, private labeler, or other interested party;

(B) That the CPSC will be notified immediately of any attempt by the manufacturer, private labeler, or other interested party to hide or exert undue influence over the third party conformity assessment body's test results; and

(C) That allegations of undue influence may be reported confidentially to the CPSC;

(ii) Training documents, including a description of the training program content, showing how employees are trained annually on the policies and procedures described in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section;

(iii) Training records, including a list and corresponding signatures, of the staff members who received the training identified in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section. The records must include training dates, location, and the name and title of the individual providing the training;

(iv) An organizational chart(s) of the third party conformity assessment body that includes the names of all third party conformity assessment body personnel, both temporary and permanent, and their reporting relationship within the third party conformity assessment body;

(v) An organizational chart(s) of the broader organization that identifies the reporting relationships of the third party conformity assessment body within the broader organization (using both position titles and staff names); and

(vi) A list of all third party conformity assessment body personnel with reporting relationships outside of the third party conformity assessment body. The list must identify the name and title of the relevant third party conformity assessment body employee(s) and the names, titles, and employer(s) of all individuals outside of the third party conformity assessment body to whom they report;

(c) Additional Requirements for Governmental Third Party Conformity Assessment Bodies. (1) The CPSC may accept a governmental third party conformity assessment body if the CPSC determines that:

(1) The CPSC may accept a governmental third party conformity assessment body if the CPSC determines that:

(i) To the extent practicable, manufacturers or private labelers located in any nation are permitted to choose third party conformity assessment bodies that are not owned or controlled by the government of that nation;

(ii) The third party conformity assessment body's testing results are not subject to undue influence by any other person, including another governmental entity;

(iii) The third party conformity assessment body is not accorded more favorable treatment than other third party conformity assessment bodies in the same nation who have been accredited;

(iv) The third party conformity assessment body's testing results are accorded no greater weight by other governmental authorities than those of other accredited third party conformity assessment bodies; and

(v) The third party conformity assessment body does not exercise undue influence over other governmental authorities on matters affecting its operations or on decisions by other governmental authorities controlling distribution of products based on outcomes of the third party conformity assessment body's conformity assessments.

(2) For the CPSC to evaluate whether a governmental third party conformity assessment body satisfies the criteria listed in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, and in addition to the baseline accreditation requirements in paragraph (a) of this section, a governmental third party conformity assessment body seeking CPSC-accepted status must submit:

(i) Description. A description illustrating the relationships with other entities, such as government agencies and joint ventures partners. The description may be in the form of a diagram;

(ii) Responses to questionnaires. The CPSC will provide a governmental third party conformity assessment body applicant with a questionnaire and will provide a separate questionnaire to the affiliated governmental entity;

(iii) Executed memorandum. A copy of an executed memorandum addressing undue influence;

(A) The memorandum must be:

(1) Addressed to all staff of the third party conformity assessment body;

(2) On company letterhead;

(3) From senior management of the third party conformity assessment body;

(4) In the primary written language used for business communication in the area where the third party conformity assessment body is located; if that language is different than English, an English translation of the executed memorandum must also be provided to the CPSC;

(5) Displayed prominently for staff reference for as long as the accreditation of the third party conformity assessment body whose accreditation is accepted by the CPSC; and

(B) The memorandum must state that:

(1) The policy of the laboratory is to reject undue influence by any manufacturer, private labeler, governmental entity, or other interested party, regardless of that person or entity's affiliation with any organization;

(2) Employees are required to report immediately to their supervisor or any other official designated by the third party conformity assessment body about any attempts to gain undue influence; and

(3) The third party conformity assessment body will not tolerate violations of the undue influence policy.

(iv) Attestation. A senior officer of the governmental third party conformity assessment body, who has the authority to make binding statements of policy on behalf of the third party conformity assessment body, must attest to the following:

(A) The third party conformity assessment body seeks acceptance as a governmental third party conformity assessment body under the CPSC's program of requirements for the testing of children's products;

(B) The official intends the attestation to be considered in support of any and all applications made by this third party conformity assessment body for acceptance of its accreditation by the CPSC, including future applications related to additional CPSC rules and/or test methods;

(C) The attestation, and any other document submitted in support of the application, is accurate in its representation of current conditions or policies at the third party conformity assessment body, to the best of the official's knowledge, information, and/or belief. The information in the attestation, and any other document submitted in support of the application, will be understood by the CPSC as continuing in its accuracy in every respect, until and unless notice of its revocation by an authorized officer of the third party conformity assessment body is received by the CPSC. The official understands that acceptance by the CPSC carries with it the obligation to comply with this part, in order to remain on the CPSC's list of accepted third party conformity assessment bodies. The attestation is submitted as a condition of acceptance of this laboratory as a governmental third party conformity assessment body by the CPSC.

(D) The word ``government'' in the attestation refers to any government (central, provincial, municipal, or other) in this third party conformity assessment body's country or administrative area and includes state-owned entities, even if those entities do not carry out governmental functions.

(E) With regard to consumer products to be distributed in commerce in the United States and subject to CPSC third party testing requirements, the third party conformity assessment body does not receive, and will not accept from any governmental entity, treatment that is more favorable than that received by other third party conformity assessment bodies in the same country or administrative area, which have been accepted as accredited for third party testing by the CPSC. More favorable treatment for a governmental third party conformity assessment body includes, but is not limited to, authorization to perform essential export-related functions, while competing CPSC-accepted laboratories in the same country or administrative area are not permitted to perform those same functions.

(F) With regard to consumer products to be sold in the United States and subject to CPSC third party testing requirements, the third party conformity assessment body's testing results are not accorded greater weight by any governmental entity that may be evaluating such results for export control purposes, compared to other third party conformity assessment bodies in the same country or administrative area, which have been accepted as accredited for third party testing by the CPSC.

(G) The third party conformity assessment body has an expressed policy, known to its employees, that forbids attempts at undue influence over any government authorities on matters affecting its operations.

(H) When a governmental third party conformity assessment body is owned or controlled by a governmental entity that also has any ownership or control over consumer product production, the senior officer of the applicant third party conformity assessment body must attest that the third party conformity assessment body will not conduct CPSC tests in support of a Children's Product Certificate for products for export to the United States that have been produced by an entity in which that governmental entity holds such ownership or control until it has applied for and been accepted by the Commission as, a dual governmental-firewalled third party conformity assessment body.

(v) Governmental entity attestation. In the event that the CPSC determines that its ability to accept a governmental third party conformity assessment body's application is dependent upon a recently changed circumstance in the relationship between the third party conformity assessment body and a governmental entity, and/or a recently changed policy of the related governmental entity, the CPSC may require the relevant governmental entity to attest to the details of the new relationship or policy.

(d) Dual firewalled and governmental status. A third party conformity assessment body that meets both the firewalled and the governmental criteria must submit applications under both firewalled and governmental categories.

(e) English language. All application materials must be in English.

(f) Electronic submission. The CPSC Form 223 and all accompanying documentation must be submitted electronically via the CPSC Web site.

(g) Clarification and verification. The CPSC may require additional information to determine whether the third party conformity assessment body meets the relevant criteria. In addition, the CPSC may verify accreditation certificate and scope information directly from the accreditation body before approving an application.

(h) Retraction of application. A third party conformity assessment body may retract a submitted CPSC Form 223 any time before the CPSC has acted on the submission. A retraction will not end or nullify any enforcement action that the CPSC is otherwise authorized by law to pursue.

(i) The Director of the Federal Register approves this incorporation by reference in paragraph (a)(2)(i) in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. You may obtain a copy of ISO/IEC 17025:2005(E), ``General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories,'' Second Edition, May 15, 2005 from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 1, ch. de la Voie-Creuse, Case postale 56, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland; Telephone +41 22 749 01 11, Fax +41 22 733 34 30; You may inspect a copy at the Office of the Secretary, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Room 820, 4330 East West Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814, telephone 301-504-7923, or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to: