The definitions in section 3 of the Consumer Product Safety Act (15 U.S.C. 2052) apply to this part 1120.
(a) Substantial product hazard means a product defect which (because of the pattern of defect, the number of defective products distributed in commerce, the severity of the risk, or otherwise) creates a substantial risk of injury to the public.
(b) Hand-supported hair dryer means an electrical appliance, intended to be held with one hand during use, which creates a flow of air over or through a self-contained heating element for the purpose of drying hair.
(c) Drawstring means a non-retractable cord, ribbon, or tape of any material to pull together parts of upper outerwear to provide for closure. [76 FR 37640, June 28, 2011, as amended at 76 FR 42507, July 19, 2011]