(a) Refrigerators and refrigerator-freezers. (1) Electric refrigerator means a cabinet designed for the refrigerated storage of food, designed to be capable of achieving storage temperatures above 32 [deg]F (0 [deg]C) and below 39 [deg]F (3.9 [deg]C), and having a source of refrigeration requiring single phase, alternating current electric energy input only. An electric refrigerator may include a compartment for the freezing and storage of food at temperatures below 32 [deg]F (0 [deg]C), but does not provide a separate low temperature compartment designed for the freezing and storage of food at temperatures below 8 [deg]F (-13.3 [deg]C).
(1) Electric refrigerator means a cabinet designed for the refrigerated storage of food, designed to be capable of achieving storage temperatures above 32 [deg]F (0 [deg]C) and below 39 [deg]F (3.9 [deg]C), and having a source of refrigeration requiring single phase, alternating current electric energy input only. An electric refrigerator may include a compartment for the freezing and storage of food at temperatures below 32 [deg]F (0 [deg]C), but does not provide a separate low temperature compartment designed for the freezing and storage of food at temperatures below 8 [deg]F (-13.3 [deg]C).
(2) Electric refrigerator-freezer means a cabinet which consists of two or more compartments with at least one of the compartments designed for the refrigerated storage of food and designed to be capable of achieving storage temperatures above 32 [deg]F (0 [deg]C) and below 39 [deg]F (3.9 [deg]C), and with at least one of the compartments designed for the freezing and storage of food at temperatures below 8 [deg]F (-13.3 [deg]C) which may be adjusted by the user to a temperature of 0 [deg]F (-17.8 [deg]C) or below. The source of refrigeration requires single phase, alternating current electric energy input only.
(b) Freezer means a cabinet designed as a unit for the freezing and storage of food at temperatures of 0 [deg]F. or below, and having a source of refrigeration requiring single phase, alternating current electric energy input only.
(c) Dishwasher means a cabinetlike appliance which, with the aid of water and detergent, washes, rinses, and dries (when a drying process is included) dishware, glassware, eating utensils and most cooking utensils by chemical, mechanical, and/or electrical means and discharges to the plumbing drainage system.
(1) Water Heating Dishwasher means a dishwasher which is designed for heating cold inlet water (nominal 50 [deg]F.) or a dishwasher for which the manufacturer recommends operation with a nominal inlet water temperature of 120 [deg]F. and may operate at either of these inlet water temperatures by providing internal water heating to above 120 [deg]F. in at least one wash phase of the normal cycle.
(2) [Reserved]
(d) Water heater means a product which utilizes oil, gas, or electricity to heat potable water for use outside the heater upon demand, including--
(1) Storage type units which heat and store water at a thermostatically controlled temperature, including gas storage water heaters with an input of 75,000 Btu per hour or less, oil storage water heaters with an input of 105,000 Btu per hour or less, and electric storage water heaters with an input of 12 kilowatts or less;
(2) Instantaneous type units which heat water but contain no more than one gallon of water per 4,000 Btu per hour of input, including gas instantaneous water heaters with an input of 200,000 Btu per hour or less, oil instantaneous water heaters with an input of 210,000 Btu per hour or less, and electric instantaneous water heaters with an input of 12 kilowatts or less; and
(3) Heat pump type units, with a maximum current rating of 24 amperes at a voltage no greater than 250 volts, which are products designed to transfer thermal energy from one temperature level to a higher temperature level for the purpose of heating water, including all ancillary equipment such as fans, storage tanks, pumps, or controls necessary for the device to perform its function.
(e) Room air conditioner means a consumer product, other than a packaged terminal air conditioner, which is powered by a single phase electric current and which is an encased assembly designed as a unit for mounting in a window or through the wall for the purpose of providing delivery of conditioned air to an enclosed space. It includes a prime source of refrigeration and may include a means for ventilating and heating.
(f) Clothes washer means a consumer product designed to clean clothes, utilizing a water solution of soap and/or detergent and mechanical agitation or other movement, and must be one of the following classes: automatic clothes washers, semi-automatic clothes washers, and other clothes washers.
(1) Automatic clothes washer means a class of clothes washer which has a control system capable of scheduling a pre-selected combination of operations, such as regulation of water fill level, and performance of wash, rinse, drain and spin functions, without the need for the user to intervene subsequent to the initiation of machine operation. Some models may require user intervention to initiate these different segments of the cycle after the machine has begun operation, but they do not require the user to intervene to regulate the water temperature by adjusting the external water faucet valves.
(2) Semi-automatic clothes washer means a class of clothes washer that is the same as an automatic clothes washer except that the user must intervene to regulate the water temperature by adjusting the external water faucet valves.
(3) Other clothes washer means a class of clothes washer which is not an automatic or semi-automatic clothes washer.
(g) Furnaces. (1) Furnace means a product which utilizes only single- phase electric current, or single-phase electric current or DC current in conjunction with natural gas, propane, or home heating oil, and which--
(1) Furnace means a product which utilizes only single- phase electric current, or single-phase electric current or DC current in conjunction with natural gas, propane, or home heating oil, and which--
(i) Is designed to be the principal heating sources for the living space of a residence;
(ii) Is not contained within the same cabinet with a central air conditioner whose rated cooling capacity is above 65,000 Btu per hour;
(iii) Is an electric central furnace, electric boiler, forced-air central furnace, gravity central furnace, or low pressure steam or hot water boiler; and
(iv) Has a heat input rate of less than 300,000 Btu per hour for electric boilers and low pressure steam or hot water boilers and less than 225,000 Btu per hour for forced-air central furnaces, gravity central furnaces, and electric central furnaces.
(2) Electric central furnace means a furnace designed to supply heat through a system of ducts with air as the heating medium, in which heat is generated by one or more electric resistance heating elements and the heated air is circulated by means of a fan or blower.
(3) Forced air central furnace means a gas or oil burning furnace designed to supply heat through a system of ducts with air as the heating medium. The heat generated by combustion of gas or oil is transferred to the air within a casing by conduction through heat exchange surfaces and is circulated through the duct system by means of a fan or blower.
(4) Gravity central furnace means a gas fueled furnace which depends primarily on natural convection for circulation of heated air and which is designed to be used in conjunction with a system of ducts.
(5) Electric boiler means an electrically powered furnace designed to supply low pressure steam or hot water for space heating application. A low pressure steam boiler operates at or below 15 pounds per square inch gauge (psig) steam pressure; a hot water boiler operates at or below 160 psig water pressure and 250 [deg]F. water temperature.
(6) Low pressure steam or hot water boiler means an electric, gas or oil burning furnace designed to supply low pressure steam or hot water for space heating application. A low pressure steam boiler operates at or below 15 pounds psig steam pressure; a hot water boiler operates at or below 160 psig water pressure and 250 [deg]F. water temperature.
(7) Outdoor furnace or boiler is a furnace or boiler normally intended for installation out-of-doors or in an unheated space (such as an attic or a crawl space).
(8) Weatherized warm air furnace or boiler means a furnace or boiler designed for installation outdoors, approved for resistance to wind, rain, and snow, and supplied with its own venting system.
(h) Central air conditioner means a product, other than a packaged terminal air conditioner, which is powered by single phase electric current, air cooled, rated below 65,000 Btu per hour, not contained within the same cabinet as a furnace, the rated capacity of which is above 225,000 Btu per hour, and is a heat pump or a cooling only unit.
(1) Condenser-evaporator coil combination means a condensing unit made by one manufacturer and one of several evaporator coils, either manufactured by the same manufacturer or another manufacturer, intended to be combined with that particular condensing unit.
(2) Condensing unit means a component of a ``central air conditioner'' which is designed to remove heat absorbed by the refrigerant and to transfer it to the outside environment, and which consists of an outdoor coil, compressor(s), and air moving device.
(3) Evaporator coil means a component of a central air conditioner which is designed to absorb heat from an enclosed space and transfer the heat to a refrigerant.
(4) Single package unit means any central air conditioner in which all the major assemblies are enclosed in one cabinet.
(5) Split system means any central air conditioner in which one or more of the major assemblies are separate from the others.
(i) Heat pump means a product, other than a packaged terminal heat pump, which consists of one or more assemblies, powered by single phase electric current, rated below 65,000 Btu per hour, utilizing an indoor conditioning coil, compressor, and refrigerant-to-outdoor air heat exchanger to provide air heating, and may also provide air cooling, dehumidifying, humidifying, circulating, and air cleaning.
(j) Fluorescent lamp ballast means a device that is used to start and operate fluorescent lamps by providing a starting voltage and current and limiting the current during normal operation, and that is designed to operate at nominal input voltages of 120 or 277 volts with a frequency of 60 Hertz and is for use in connection with F40T12, F96T12 or F96T12HO lamps.
(k) Fluorescent lamp: (1) Means a low pressure mercury electric-discharge source in which a fluorescing coating transforms some of the ultra-violet energy generated by the mercury discharge into light, including only the following:
(i) Any straight-shaped lamp (commonly referred to as 4-foot medium bi-pin lamps) with medium bi-pin bases of nominal overall length of 48 inches and rated wattage of 28 or more;
(ii) Any U-shaped lamp (commonly referred to as 2-foot U-shaped lamps) with medium bi-pin bases of nominal overall length between 22 and 25 inches and rated wattage of 28 or more;
(iii) Any rapid start lamp (commonly referred to as 8-foot high output lamps) with recessed double contact bases of nominal overall length of 96 inches and 0.800 nominal amperes, as defined in ANSI C78.1-1978 and related supplements (copies of ANSI C78.1-1978 and related supplements may be obtained from the American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd St., New York, NY 10036); and
(iv) Any instant start lamp (commonly referred to as 8-foot slimline lamps) with single pin bases of nominal overall length of 96 inches and rated wattage of 52 or more, as defined in ANSI C78.3-1978 (R1984) and related supplement ANSI C78.3a-1985 (copies of ANSI C78.3-1978 (R1984) and related supplement ANSI C78.3a-1985 may be obtained from the American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd St., New York, NY 10036); but
(2) Fluorescent lamp does not mean any lamp excluded by the Department of Energy, by rule, as a result of a determination that standards for such lamp would not result in significant energy savings because such lamp is designed for special applications or has special characteristics not available in reasonably substitutable lamp types; and
(3) General service fluorescent lamp means a fluorescent lamp which can be used to satisfy the majority of fluorescent applications, but does not mean any lamp designed and marketed for the following nongeneral lighting applications:
(i) Fluorescent lamps designed to promote plant growth;
(ii) Fluorescent lamps specifically designed for cold temperature installations;
(iii) Colored fluorescent lamps;
(iv) Impact-resistant fluorescent lamps;
(v) Reflectorized or aperture lamps;
(vi) Fluorescent lamps designed for use in reprographic equipment;
(vii) Lamps primarily designed to produce radiation in the ultra-violet region of the spectrum; and
(viii) Lamps with a color rendering index of 82 or greater.
(l) General service lamp means:
(1) A lamp that is:
(i) A medium base compact fluorescent lamp;
(ii) A general service incandescent lamp;
(iii) A general service light-emitting diode (LED or OLED) lamp; or
(iv) Any other lamp that the Secretary of Energy determines is used to satisfy lighting applications traditionally served by general service incandescent lamps.
(2) Exclusions. The term general service lamp does not include--
(i) Any lighting application or bulb shape described in paragraphs (n)(3)(ii)(A) through (T) of this section; and
(ii) Any general service fluorescent lamp.
(m) Medium base compact fluorescent lamp means an integrally ballasted fluorescent lamp with a medium screw base, a rated input voltage range of 115 to 130 volts and which is designed as a direct replacement for a general service incandescent lamp; however, the term does not include--
(1) Any lamp that is:
(i) Specifically designed to be used for special purpose applications; and
(ii) Unlikely to be used in general purpose applications, such as the applications described in the definition of ``General Service Incandescent Lamp'' in paragraph (n)(3)(ii) of this section; or
(2) Any lamp not described in the definition of ``General Service Incandescent Lamp'' in this section and that is excluded by the Department of Energy, by rule, because the lamp is--
(i) Designed for special applications; and
(ii) Unlikely to be used in general purpose applications.
(n) Incandescent lamp:
(1) Means a lamp in which light is produced by a filament heated to incandescence by an electric current, including only the following:
(i) Any lamp (commonly referred to as lower wattage nonreflector general service lamps, including any tungsten halogen lamp) that has a rated wattage between 30 and 199 watts, has an E26 medium screw base, has a rated voltage or voltage range that lies at least partially within 115 and 130 volts, and is not a reflector lamp;
(ii) Any lamp (commonly referred to as a reflector lamp) which is not colored or designed for rough or vibration service applications, that contains an inner reflective coating on the outer bulb to direct the light, an R, PAR, ER, BR, BPAR, or similar bulb shapes with E26 medium screw bases, a rated voltage or voltage range that lies at least partially within 115 and 130 volts, a diameter which exceeds 2.25 inches, and has a rated wattage that is 40 watts or higher;
(iii) Any general service incandescent lamp (commonly referred to as a high- or higher wattage lamp) that has a rated wattage above 199 watts (above 205 watts for a high wattage reflector lamp); but
(2) Incandescent lamp does not mean any lamp excluded by the Secretary of Energy, by rule, as a result of a determination that standards for such lamp would not result in significant energy savings because such lamp is designed for special applications or has special characteristics not available in reasonably substitutable lamp types;
(3) General service incandescent lamp means:
(i) In general, a standard incandescent, halogen, or reflector type lamp that--
(A) Is intended for general service applications;
(B) Has a medium screw base;
(C) Has a lumen range of not less than 310 lumens and not more than 2,600 lumens; and
(D) Is capable of being operated at a voltage range at least partially within 110 and 130 volts.
(ii) Exclusions. The term ``general service incandescent lamp'' does not include the following incandescent lamps:
(A) An appliance lamp as defined at 42 U.S.C. 6291(30);
(B) A black light lamp;
(C) A bug lamp;
(D) A colored lamp as defined at 42 U.S.C. 6291(30);
(E) An infrared lamp;
(F) A left hand thread lamp;
(G) A marine lamp;
(H) A marine signal service lamp;
(I) A mine service lamp;
(J) A plant light lamp;
(K) A rough service lamp as defined at 42 U.S.C. 6291(30);
(L) A shatter resistant lamp (including a shatter-proof lamp and a shatter-protected lamp);
(M) A sign service lamp;
(N) A silver bowl lamp;
(O) A showcase lamp;
(P) A traffic signal lamp;
(Q) A vibration service lamp as defined at 42 U.S.C. 6291(30);
(R) A G shape lamp (as defined in ANSI C78.20-2003 and C79.1-2002) with a diameter of 5 inches or more;
(S) A T shape lamp (as defined in ANSI C78.20-2003 and C79.1-2002) and that uses not more than 40 watts or has a length of more than 10 inches; or
(T) A B, BA, CA, F, G16-1/2, G-25, G-30, S, or M-14 lamp (as defined in ANSI C79.1-2002 and ANSI C78.20-2003) of 40 watts or less.
(4) Incandescent reflector lamp means a lamp described in paragraph (n)(1)(ii) of this section; and
(5) Tungsten halogen lamp means a gas filled tungsten filament incandescent lamp containing a certain proportion of halogens in an inert gas.
(o) Light emitting diode (LED) means a p n junction solid state device the radiated output of which is a function of the physical construction, material used, and exciting current of the device. The output of a light emitting diode may be in B
(1) The infrared region;
(2) The visible region; or
(3) The ultraviolet region.
(p) Organic light emitting diode (OLED) means a thin-film light-emitting device that typically consists of a series of organic layers between 2 electrical contacts (electrodes).
(q) General service light-emitting diode (LED or OLED) lamp means any light emitting diode (LED or OLED) lamp that:
(1) Is a consumer product;
(2) Is intended for general service applications;
(3) Has a medium screw base;
(4) Has a lumen range of not less than 310 lumens and not more than 2,600 lumens; and
(5) Is capable of being operated at a voltage range at least partially within 110 and 130 volts.
(r) Showerhead means any showerhead (including a handheld showerhead), except a safety shower showerhead.
(s) Faucet means a lavatory faucet, kitchen faucet, metering faucet, or replacement aerator for a lavatory or kitchen faucet.
(t) Water closet means a plumbing fixture having a water-containing receptor which receives liquid and solid body waste and, upon actuation, conveys the waste through an exposed integral trap seal into a gravity drainage system, except such term does not include fixtures designed for installation in prisons.
(u) Urinal means a plumbing fixture which receives only liquid body waste and, on demand, conveys the waste through a trap seal into a gravity drainage system, except such term does not include fixtures designed for installation in prisons.
(v) Pool heater means an appliance designed for heating nonpotable water contained at atmospheric pressure, including heating water in swimming pools, spas, hot tubs and similar applications.
(w) Metal halide lamp fixture means a light fixture for general lighting application that is designed to be operated with a metal halide lamp and a ballast for a metal halide lamp and that is subject to and complies with Department of Energy efficiency standards issued pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 6295.
(1) Metal halide ballast means a ballast used to start and operate metal halide lamps.
(2) Metal halide lamp means a high intensity discharge lamp in which the major portion of the light is produced by radiation of metal halides and their products of dissociation, possibly in combination with metallic vapors.
(x) Ceiling fan means a nonportable device that is suspended from a ceiling for circulating air via the rotation of fan blades. The requirements of this part are limited to those ceiling fans for which the Department of Energy has adopted and published test procedures for measuring energy usage.
(y) Television means a product that is designed to produce dynamic video, contains an internal TV tuner encased within the product housing, and is capable of receiving dynamic visual content from wired or wireless sources including but not limited to: broadcast and similar services for terrestrial, cable, satellite, and/or broadband transmission of analog and/or digital signals; and/or display-specific data connections, such as HDMI, Component video, S-video, Composite video; and/or media storage devices such as a USB flash drive, memory card, or a DVD; and/or network connections, usually using Internet Protocol, typically carried over Ethernet or Wi-Fi. The requirements of this part are limited to those televisions for which the Department of Energy has adopted and published test procedures for measuring energy use. [52 FR 46894, Dec. 10, 1987, as amended at 59 FR 34031, 34032, July 1, 1994; 59 FR 49563, Sept. 28, 1994; 59 FR 67525, Dec. 29, 1994; 71 FR 4984, Jan. 31, 2006; 72 FR 49966, Aug. 29, 2007; 73 FR 63067, Oct. 23, 2008; 76 FR 79057, Dec. 21, 2011; 76 FR 1050, Jan. 6, 2011; 78 FR 2207, Jan. 10, 2013; 79 FR 19466, Apr. 9, 2014]