Nothing contained in the regulations in this part shall prohibit supplemental statements, at locations other than the principal display panel, describing in non-deceptive terms the net quantity of contents: Provided that such supplemental statements of net quantity of contents shall not include any term qualifying a unit of weight or mass, measure, or count that tends to exaggerate the amount of commodity contained in the package. (Examples of prohibited language are: ``Giant Quart,'' ``Jumbo Liter,'' ``Full Gallon,'' ``When Packed,'' ``Minimum,'' or words of similar import.) Required combination declarations of net quantity of contents (for example, a combination of net weight or mass plus numerical count, numerical count plus dimensions of the commodity, etc.) are not regarded as supplemental net quantity statements and shall be located on the principal display panel. Dilution directions or other similar directions for use are not regarded as supplemental net quantity statements and may be located on the principal display panel. Size characterizations in compliance with standards promulgated under section 5(c)(1) of the Act may appear on the principal display panel.