(a) A multiunit package is a package intended for retail sale, containing two or more individual packaged or labeled units of an identical commodity in the same quantity. The declaration of net quantity of contents of a multiunit package shall be expressed as follows:
(1) The number of individual packaged or labeled units;
(2) The quantity of each individual packaged or labeled unit; and
(3) The total quantity of the multiunit package.
Examples: Soap bars: ``6 Bars, Net Wt. 3.4 ozs. (96.3 g) each, Total Net Wt. 1 lb. 4.4 oz. (578 g)'' Facial Tissues: ``10 Packs, each 25 two-ply tissues, 9.7 in. x 8.2 in. (24.6 x 20.8 cm), Total 250 Tissues.''
(b) The individual packages or labeled units of a multiunit package, when intended for individual sale separate from the multiunit package, shall be labeled in compliance with the regulations under this part 500 applicable to that package.
(c) A multiunit package containing unlabeled individual packages which are not intended for retail sale separate from the multiunit package may contain, in lieu of the requirements of Paragraph (a) of this section, a declaration of quantity of contents expressing the total quantity of the multiunit package without regard for inner packaging. For such multiunit packages it shall be optional to include a statement of the number of individual packages when such a statement is not otherwise required by the regulations.
Examples: Deodorant Cakes: ``5 Cakes, Net Wt. 4 ozs. (113 g) each, Total Net Wt. 1.25 lb. (566 g)'' or ``5 Cakes, Total Net Wt. 1 lb. 4 ozs. (566 g)'';
Soap Packets: ``10 Packets, Net Wt. 2 ozs. (56.6 g) each, total Net Wt 1.25 lb. (566 g)'' or ``Net Wt 1 lb. 4 ozs. (566 g)'' or ``10 Packets, Total Net Wt. 1 lb. 4 ozs. (566 g).''