Act means the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, 7 U.S.C. 1, et seq.;
Administrative Law Judge means an administrative law judge appointed pursuant to the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 3105;
Commission means the Commodity Futures Trading Commission;
Commission decisional employee means an employee or employees of the Commission who are or may reasonably be expected to be involved in the decisionmaking process in any proceeding, including, but not limited to: A Judgment Officer; members of the personal staffs of the Commissioners, but not the Commissioners themselves; members of the staffs of the Administrative Law Judges, but not an Administrative Law Judge; members of the staffs of the Judgment Officers; members of the Office of the General Counsel; members of the staff of the Office of Proceedings; and other Commission employees who may be assigned to hear or to participate in the decision of a particular matter.
Complainant means a person who, individually or jointly with others, has applied to the Commission for a reparation award pursuant to section 14(a) of the Act, but shall not include a cross claimant or any other type of third party claimant. The term ``complainant'' under these rules applies equally to two or more persons who have applied jointly for a reparation award;
Complaint means any document which constitutes an application for a reparation award pursuant to section 14(a) of the Act, regardless of whether it is denominated as such;
Counterclaim means an application for a reparation award by a respondent against a complainant which satisfies the requirements of Sec. 12.19. A counterclaim does not mean a cross claim or other type of third party claim;
Director of the Office of Proceedings means an employee of the Commission who serves as the administrative head of that Office, with responsibility and authority to assure that these part 12 Reparation Rules are administered in a manner which will effectuate the purposes of section 14(b) of the Act. The Director is authorized to convene meetings of all personnel in the Office of Proceedings, including Administrative Law Judges and their personally assigned law clerks. The Director shall have the authority to delegate his duties to administer Sec. Sec. 12.15, 12.24, 12.26 and 12.27, and, shall have the authority to assign and, if necessary, reassign the duties of, and set reasonable standards for performance for, all personnel in the Office, including the Judgment Officers, but not including Administrative Law Judges and their personally assigned law clerks;
Ex parte communication means an oral or written communication not on the public record with respect to which reasonable prior notice to all parties is not given, but does not include:
(1) A discussion, after consent has been obtained from all of the named parties, between a party and a Judgment Officer or Administrative Law Judge, or the staffs of the foregoing, pertaining solely to the possibility of settling the case without the need for a decision;
(2) Requests for status reports, including questions relating to service of the complaint, and the registration status of any persons, on any matter or proceeding covered by these rules; or
(3) Requests made to the Office of Proceedings or the Office of the General Counsel for interpretation of these rules.
Formal decisional procedure means, where the amount of total damages claimed exceeds $30,000, exclusive of interest and costs, a procedure elected by the complainant or a respondent where the parties may be granted an oral hearing. A formal decisional proceeding is governed by subpart E;
Hearing means that part of a proceeding which involves the submission of proof, either by oral presentation or written submission;
Interested person means any party, and includes any person or agency permitted limited participation or to state views in a reparation proceeding, or other person who might be adversely affected or aggrieved by the outcome of a proceeding (including the officers, agents, employees, associates, affiliates, attorneys, accountants or other representatives of such persons), and any other person having a direct or indirect pecuniary or other interest in the outcome of a proceeding;
Judgment Officer means an employee of the Commission who is authorized to conduct all reparations proceedings. In appropriate circumstances, the functions of a Judgment Officer may be performed by an Administrative Law Judge;
Office of the General Counsel refers to the members of the Commission's staff who provide assistance to the Commission in its direct review of any proceeding conducted pursuant to these rules;
Office of Proceedings means that Office within the Commission comprised of the Administrative Law Judges, Judgment Officers, the Director of that Office, the Proceedings Clerk, and members of the staffs of the foregoing, which administers these part 12 Reparation Rules, other than the rules authorizing direct review by the Commission;
Order means the whole or any part of a final procedural or substantive disposition of a reparation proceeding by the Commission, an Administrative Law Judge, a Judgment Officer, or the Proceedings Clerk;
Party means a complainant, respondent or any other person or agency named or admitted as a party in a reparation matter;
Person means any individual, association, partnership, corporation or trust;
Pleading means the complaint, the answer to the complaint, any supplement or amendment thereto, and any reply to the foregoing;
Proceeding means a case in which the pleadings have been forwarded and in which a procedure has been commenced pursuant to Sec. 12.26;
Proceedings Clerk means that member of the Commission's staff in the Office of Proceedings who shall maintain the Commission's reparation docket, assign reparation cases to an appropriate decisionmaking official, and act as custodian of the records of proceedings;
Punitive damages means damages awarded (no more than two times the amount of actual damages) in the case of any action arising from a willful and intentional violation in the execution of an order on the floor of a contract market. An order does not have to be actually executed to render a violation subject to punitive damages. As a prerequisite to an award of punitive damages, a complainant must claim actual and punitive damages, prove actual damages, and demonstrate that punitive damages are appropriate;
Registrant means any person who--
(1) Was registered under the Act at the time of the alleged violation;
(2) Is subject to reparation proceedings by virtue of section 4m of the Commodity Exchange Act, regardless of whether such person was ever registered under the Act; or
(3) Is otherwise subject to reparation proceedings under the Act;
Reparation award means the amount of monetary damages a party may be ordered to pay;
Respondent means any person or persons against whom a complainant seeks a reparation award pursuant to section 14(a) of the Act;
Summary decisional procedure means, where the amount of total damages claimed does not exceed $30,000, exclusive of interest and costs, a procedure elected by the complainant or the respondent wherein an oral hearing need not be held and proof in support of each party's case may be supplied in the form and manner prescribed by Sec. 12.208. A summary decisional proceeding is governed by subpart D;
Voluntary decisional procedure means, regardless of the amount of damages claimed, a procedure which the complainant and the respondent have chosen voluntarily to submit their claims and counterclaims, allowable under these rules, for an expeditious resolution by a Judgment Officer. By electing the voluntary decisional procedure, parties agree that a decision issued by a Judgment Officer shall be without accompanying findings of fact and shall be final without right of Commission review or judicial review. A voluntary decisional proceeding is governed by subpart C of these rules. [59 FR 9635, Mar. 1, 1994, as amended at 78 FR 12936, Feb. 26, 2013]