Pursuant to the authority granted under section 2(a)(4) and 2(a)(11) of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, 7 U.S.C. 4a(c) and 4a(j), the Commission hereby delegates, until such time as it orders otherwise, the following functions to the General Counsel, to be performed by him or such person or persons under his direction as he may designate from time to time:
(a) With respect to reparation proceedings conducted pursuant to section 14 of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, 7 U.S.C. 18, and subject to the Commission's Reparation Rules as set forth in part 12 of this chapter, to:
(1) Consider and decide miscellaneous procedural motions that may be directed to the Commission pursuant to part 12 of these rules after the initial decision or other order disposing of the entire proceeding has been filed;
(2) Remand, with or without specific instructions, initial decisions or other orders disposing of the entire proceeding to the appropriate officer (Director of the Office of Proceedings, Judgment Officer, or Administrative Law Judge) in the following situations:
(i) Where a default order or award has been made pursuant to part 12 of these rules and a motion to vacate the default or an equivalent request has been made; or
(ii) Where, in his judgment, clarification or supplementation of an initial decision or other order disposing of the entire proceeding prior to Commission review is appropriate; and
(iii) Where, in his judgment, a ministerial act necessary to the proper conduct of the proceeding has not been performed.
(3) Deny applications for interlocutory review by the Commission of a ruling of an Administrative Law Judge in cases in which the Administrative Law Judge has not certified the ruling to the Commission in the manner prescribed by Sec. 12.309 of these rules, and the ruling does not concern the disqualification of, or a motion to disqualify, an Administrative Law Judge, or Judgment Officer, or the suspension of, or failure to suspend, an attorney from participating in reparation proceedings;
(4) Dismiss any appeal from an initial decision or other disposition of the entire proceeding by an Administrative Law Judge (or Judgment Officer), in a proceeding where such appeal is not filed or perfected in accordance with Sec. 12.401, and deny any application for interlocutory review if it is not filed in accordance with Sec. 12.309 of these rules;
(5) Strike any filing that does not meet the requirements of, or is not perfected in accordance with, these part 12 rules; and
(6) Enter any order that, in his judgment, will facilitate or expedite Commission review of an initial decision or other order disposing of the entire proceeding.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section, in any case in which he believes it appropriate, the General Counsel or his designee may submit the matter to the Commission for its consideration.
(c) Within seven (7) days after service of a ruling issued pursuant to this Sec. 12.408, a party may file with the Commission a petition for reconsideration of the ruling. Unless the Commission orders otherwise, the filing of a petition for reconsideration shall not operate to stay the effective date of such ruling. [49 FR 6621, Feb. 22, 1984; 49 FR 15070, Apr. 17, 1984; 49 FR 17750, Apr. 25, 1984, as amended at 57 FR 20638, May 14, 1992; 59 FR 9638, Mar. 1, 1994; 64 FR 43071, Aug. 9, 1999; 78 FR 1145, Jan. 8, 2013]