(a) Information required. Persons required to file '04 reports under Sec. 19.00(a)(2) of this chapter shall file CFTC Form 304 reports showing the quantity of call cotton bought or sold on which the price has not been fixed, together with the respective futures on which the purchase or sale is based. As used herein, call cotton refers to spot cotton bought or sold, or contracted for purchase or sale at a price to be fixed later based upon a specified future.
(b) Time and place of filing reports. Each report shall be made weekly as of the close of business on Friday and filed at the Commission's office in New York, NY, not later than the second business day following the date of the report. Reports may be transmitted by facsimile or, alternatively, information on the form may be reported to the appropriate Commission office by telephone and the report mailed to the same office, not later than midnight of its due date. [57 FR 41391, Sept. 10, 1992] Sec. Sec. 19.03-19.10 [Reserved]