Claims and claim
Reserves Discount, expenses Amortization Paid
Deferred for unpaid if any, Net incurred related of deferred claims and
Affiliation with registrant policy claims and deducted Unearned Earned investment to policy claim Premiums
acquisition claim in column premiums premiums income ------------------ acquisition adjustment written
costs adjustment C \4\ (1) (2) costs expenses
expenses Current Prior
year years--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F Column G ....... Column Column I Column J Column K
(a) Consolidated property-
casualty entities \2\(b) Unconsolidated property-
casualty subsidiaries \2 3\(c) Proportionate share of
registrant and its
subsidiaries' 50%-or-less-
owned property-casualty
equity investees \2 3\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ Information included in audited financial statements, including other schedules, need not be repeated in this schedule. Columns B, C, D, and E are
as of the balance sheet dates, columns F, G, H, I, J, and K are for the same periods for which income statements are presented in the registrant's
audited consolidated financial statements.\2\ Present combined or consolidated amounts, as appropriate for each category, after intercompany eliminations.\3\ Information is not required here for 50%-or-less-owned equity investees that file similar information with th Commission as registrants in their own
right, if that fact and the name of the affiliated registrant is stated. If ending reserves in any category (a), (b), or (c) above is less than 5% of
the total reserves otherwise required to be reported in this schedule, that category may be omitted and that fact so noted. If the amount of the
reserves attributable to 50%-or-less-owned equity investors that file this information as registrants in their own right exceeds 95% of the total
category (c) reserves, information for the other 50%-or-less-owned equity investees need not be provided.\4\ Disclose in a footnote to this schedule the rate, or range of rates, estimated if necessary, at which the discount was computed for each category. [49 FR 47599, Dec. 6, 1984]
for face-amount certificate investment companies
Source: Sections 210.12-21 to 210.12-41 appear at 16 FR 348, Jan. 13, 1951, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 45 FR 63679, Sept. 25, 1980.