(a) How made and addressed. You may make a request for records of TVA by writing to the Tennessee Valley Authority, FOIA Officer, 400 W. Summit Hill Drive (WT 7D), Knoxville, Tennessee 37902-1401. You may find TVA's ``Guide to Information About TVA''--which is available electronically at http://www.tva.gov, and is available in paper form as well--helpful in making your request. For additional information about the FOIA, you may refer directly to the statute. If you are making a request for records about yourself, see Subpart B Privacy Act for additional requirements. If you are making a request for records about another individual, either a written authorization signed by that individual permitting disclosure of those records to you or proof that that individual is deceased (for example, a copy of a death certificate or an obituary) will help the processing of your request. Your request will be considered received as of the date it is received by the FOIA Officer. For the quickest possible handling, you should mark both your request letter and the envelope ``Freedom of Information Act Request.''
(b) Descriptions of records sought. You must describe the records that you seek in enough detail to enable TVA personnel to locate them with a reasonable amount of effort. Whenever possible, your request should include specific information about each record sought, such as the date, title or name, author, recipient, and subject matter of the record. If known, you should include any file designations or descriptions for the records that you want. As a general rule, the more specific you are about the records or type of records that you want, the more likely TVA will be able to locate those records in response to your request. If TVA determines that your request does not reasonably describe records, you will be informed what additional information is needed or why your request is otherwise insufficient. TVA shall also give you an opportunity to discuss your request so that you may modify it to meet the requirements of this section. If your request does not reasonably describe the records you seek, the agency's response to your request may be delayed.
(c) Agreement to pay fees. If you make a FOIA request, it shall be considered an agreement by you to pay all applicable fees charged under Sec. 1301.11, up to $25.00, unless you seek a waiver of fees. TVA's FOIA Officer will confirm this agreement in an acknowledgement letter. When making a request, you may specify a willingness to pay a greater or lesser amount. [64 FR 4044, Jan. 27, 1999, as amended at 65 FR 16513, Mar. 29, 2000; 75 FR 11735, Mar. 12, 2010]