For the purposes of this part--
For the purposes of Sec. 157.21 of this part, Director means the Director of the Commission's Office of Energy Projects.
Indian tribe means, in reference to a proposal or application for a certificate or abandonment, an Indian tribe which is recognized by treaty with the United States, by federal statute, or by the U.S. Department of the Interior in its periodic listing of tribal governments in the Federal Register in accordance with 25 CFR 83.6(b), and whose legal rights as a tribe may be affected by the proposed construction, operation or abandonment of facilities or services (as where the construction or operation of the proposed facilities could interfere with the tribe's hunting or fishing rights or where the proposed facilities would be located within the tribe's reservation).
Resource agency means a Federal, state, or interstate agency exercising administration over the areas of recreation, fish and wildlife, water resource management, or cultural or other relevant resources of the state or states in which the facilities or services for which a certificate or abandonment is proposed are or will be located. [Order 608, 64 FR 51220, Sept. 22, 1999, as amended by Order 665, 70 FR 60440, Oct. 18, 2005]