For purposes of deciding whether natural gas may be considered as waste as the primary energy source pursuant to Sec. 292.204(b)(1)(i) of this chapter, the Commission will use the criteria described in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this section.
(a) Category 1. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, natural gas with a heating value of 300 Btu per standard cubic foot (scf) or below will be considered unmarketable.
(b) Category 2. In determining whether natural gas with a heating value above 300 Btu but not more than 800 Btu per scf and natural gas produced in the Moxa Arch area is unmarketable, the Commission will consider the following information:
(1) The percentages of the chemical components of the gas, the wellhead pressure, and the flow rate;
(2) Whether the applicant offered the gas to all potential buyers located within 20 miles of the wellhead under terms and conditions commensurate with those prevailing in the region and that such potential buyers refused to buy the gas; and
(3) A study, which may be submitted by an applicant, that evaluates the economics of upgrading the gas for sale and transporting the gas to a pipeline. The study should include estimates of the revenues which could be derived from the sale of the gas and the fixed and variable costs of upgrading.
(c) Category 3. In determining whether natural gas with a heating value above 800 Btu per scf is marketable, the Commission will consider the information included in paragraph (b) of this section and whether:
(1) The gas has actually been flared, vented to the atmosphere, or continuously injected into a non-producing zone for a period of one year, pursuant to legal authority; or
(2) The gas has been certified as waste, i.e., suitable for disposal, by an appropriate state authority. [Order 471, 52 FR 19310, May 22, 1987]
Statement of Penalty Reduction/Waiver Policy To Comply With the Small
Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996