Any essential agricultural user subject to this subpart that has requested from any direct supplier priority 2 classification for volumes for any essential agricultural use establishment shall reduce its essential agricultural requirements calculated under Sec. 281.208 to reflect the exclusion of volumes of natural gas for which its essential agricultural establishment has alternative fuel volumes under Sec. 281.304. Sec. Appendix A \1\ to Part 281--Comparison of Selected Fuel Price Data,
FPC Form No. 423 Versus Monthly Energy Review, 1976--January 1980 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FPC form No. 423 price data \1\ Monthly energy review price data \2\
Type of fuel January January
1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cents per MMBtu
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fuel Oil:
No. 2....................................................... 235.1 264.3 271.9 402.1 564.4 226.4 257.3 268.2 403.1 537.2
Low Sulfur No. 6............................................ 207.1 229.1 225.1 320.2 453.3 193.6 221.3 216.8 322.4 466.5
High Sulfur No. 6........................................... 168.7 199.9 186.7 264.7 361.4 165.9 195.2 186.1 261.5 349.6
All No. 6................................................... 195.9 220.4 212.3 299.7 423.5 182.8 210.4 202.7 297.0 417.7
Coal: All Grades............................................ 84.8 94.7 111.6 122.4 128.7 (\3\) (\3\) (\3\) (\3\) (\3\)
Natural Gas................................................. 103.4 130.0 143.8 175.4 194.8 97.2 131.9 154.1 201.8 237.3
Actual price difference (fuel oil and coal versus natural gas)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fuel Oil:
No. 2....................................................... 131.7 134.3 128.1 226.7 369.6 129.2 125.4 114.1 201.3 299.9
Low Sulfur No. 6............................................ 103.7 99.1 81.3 144.8 258.5 96.4 89.4 62.7 120.6 229.2
High Sulfur No. 6........................................... 65.3 69.1 42.9 89.3 166.6 68.7 66.3 32.0 59.7 112.3
All No. 6................................................... 92.5 90.4 68.5 124.3 228.7 85.6 78.5 48.6 95.2 180.4
Coal: All Grades............................................ (18.6) (35.3) (32.2) (53.0) (66.1) (\3\) (\3\) (\3\) (\3\) (\3\)
Price difference ratio \4\ (fuel oil and coal versus natural gas)--ratio
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fuel Oil:
No. 2....................................................... 1.274 1.033 .891 1.292 1.897 1.329 .951 .740 .998 1.264
Low Sulfur No. 6............................................ 1.003 .762 .565 .826 1.327 .992 .678 .407 .598 .966
High Sulfur No. 6........................................... .632 .538 .298 .509 .855 .707 .480 .208 .296 .473
All No. 6................................................... .895 .695 .476 .709 1.174 .881 .595 .315 .472 .760
Coal: All Grades............................................ (.180) (.272) (.224) (.302) (.339) (\3\) (\3\) (\3\) (\3\) (\3\)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ As reported in DOE/EIA Energy Data Report entitled Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Utility Plants (Annual summary data 1976-1979) and Monthly
Report for January 1980). Note: All prices are delivered prices to steam electric plants. Prices paid for No. 6 fuel oil include prices paid for minor
amounts of No. 4 and No. 5 fuel oil, crude and topped crude.\2\ Fuel oil prices are reported on FEA Form P302-M-1, ``Petroleum Industry Monthly Report for Product Prices.'' Natural Gas Prices are those paid by
industrial customers of major interstate pipeline companies as reported on FPC Form No. 11, ``Natural Gas Pipeline Company Monthly Statement.''\3\ The price data for coal is the same as shown under FPC Form No. 423 price data.
\4\ Mathematically the price difference ratio is P2--P1/P1; Where P2=the price of fuel oil or coal and P1=the price of natural gas. The ratio indicates
the percent difference between natural gas and alternate fuel prices. For example in January 1980 electric utilities reported that in that month they
paid 1.897 times more (189.7 percent) for No. 2 fuel oil than they paid for natural gas.As determined in Docket No. RM79-40 NOPR issued June 3, 1980, corrected for clerical/typographical error. [Order 55-B, 45 FR 54740, Aug. 18, 1980]