(a) The Director, Office of Administrative Operations (OAO) is designated as Top Secret Control Officer and Security Officer for classified material for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The Director, OAO, will designate alternate Top Secret Control Officers and alternated Security Officers, who will be authorized, subject to such limitations as may be imposed by the Director, to perform the duties for which the Top Secret Control Officer and Security Officer is responsible. As used hereinafter, the terms Top Secret Control Officer and Security Officer shall be interpreted as including the alternate Top Secret Control Officers and Security Officers. The FERC Security Officer is authorized and directed to insure the proper application of the provisions of Executive Order 11652 and of this part.
(b) Regional Engineers are designated as Regional Security Officers for the purpose of carrying out the functions assigned herein.
(c) The Director, OAO, will appoint in writing appropriately cleared staff members to act as couriers for transmittal, as necessary, for classified information or material. [Order 470, 38 FR 5161, Feb. 26, 1973, as amended by Order 756, 77 FR 4893, Feb. 1, 2012]
Storage and Custody of Classified Information