(a) The signatory States have the primary responsibility in the basin for water quality management and control. However, protection of the water resources of the basin from pollution, and actions by the signatory parties to achieve abatement and control of pollution are important to the Commission.
(b) The signatory parties have adopted water quality standards for the intra and interstate waters of the basin. Initially these standards will serve as the basis for the Commission's water quality program in the comprehensive plan.
(c) The Commission's role in water quality management and control essentially will be one of coordination to ensure water quality standards are adequate to protect broad public water resources interests, and that uniform policies and enforcement are affected by the signatories.
(d) The Commission shall:
(1) Encourage and coordinate efforts of the signatory parties to prevent, reduce, control, and eliminate water pollution and to maintain water quality in accordance with established standards.
(2) Promote government and private sector implementation of maximum practical use of waste utilization and treatment technology.
(3) Promote and encourage State and local governments and industry to plan for regional waste water treatment and management.
(4) In cooperation with appropriate agencies of the signatory parties, make periodic inspections to ascertain the state of compliance with appropriate water quality standards, and as needed establish and operate water quality monitoring stations. [38 FR 4662, Feb. 20, 1973, as amended at 38 FR 6386, Mar. 9, 1973]