(a) General. A Certificate of Origin must be employed to certify that a textile or apparel article being exported from a beneficiary country to the United States qualifies for the preferential treatment referred to in Sec. 10.211. The Certificate of Origin must be prepared in the beneficiary country by the exporter or producer or by the exporter's or producer's authorized agent having knowledge of the facts in the form specified in paragraph (b) of this section. If the person preparing the Certificate of Origin is not the producer of the article, the person may complete and sign a Certificate of Origin on the basis of:
(1) The person's reasonable reliance on the producer's written representation that the article qualifies for preferential treatment; or
(2) A completed and signed Certificate of Origin for the article voluntarily provided to the person by the producer.
(b) Form of Certificate. The Certificate of Origin referred to in paragraph (a) of this section must be in the following format:
African Growth and Opportunity Act Textile Certificate of Origin------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Exporter Name and Address: 3. Importer Name and Address:------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Producer Name and Address: 4. Preference Group:------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Description of Article:------------------------------------------------------------------------
Each description below is only a
Group summary of the cited CFR 19 CFR
provision.------------------------------------------------------------------------1-A......... Apparel assembled from U.S. 10.213(a)(1).
fabrics and/or knit-to-shape
components, from U.S. yarns. All
fabric must be cut in the United
States.2-B......... Apparel assembled from U.S. 10.213(a)(2).
fabrics and/or knit-to-shape
components, from U.S. yarns. All
fabric must be cut in the United
States. After assembly, the
apparel is embroidered or
subject to stone-washing, enzyme-
washing, acid washing, perma-
pressing, oven-baking,
bleaching, garment-dyeing,
screen printing, or other
similar processes.3-C......... Apparel assembled from U.S. 10.213(a)(3) or
fabrics and/or U.S. knit-to- 10.213(a)(11).
shape components and/or U.S. and
beneficiary country or former
beneficiary country knit-to-
shape components, from U.S.
yarns and sewing thread. The
U.S. fabrics may be cut in
beneficiary countries or in the
United States and beneficiary
countries or former beneficiary
countries.4-D......... Apparel assembled from 10.213(a)(4).
beneficiary country fabrics and/
or knit-to-shape components,
from yarns originating in the
United States and/or one or more
beneficiary countries or former
beneficiary countries.5-E......... Apparel assembled or knit-to- 10.213(a)(5).
shape and assembled, or both, in
one or more lesser developed
beneficiary countries regardless
of the country of origin of the
fabric or the yarn used to make
such articles.6-F......... Knit-to-shape sweaters in chief 10.213(a)(6).
weight of cashmere.7-G......... Knit-to-shape sweaters 50 percent 10.213(a)(7).
or more by weight of wool
measuring 21.5 microns in
diameter or finer.8-H......... Apparel assembled from fabrics or 10.213(a)(8) or
yarns considered in short supply 10.213(a)(9).
in the NAFTA, or designated as
not available in commercial
quantities in the United States.9-I......... Handloomed fabrics, handmade 10.213(a)(10).
articles made of handloomed
fabrics, or textile folklore
articles--as defined in
bilateral consultations; ethnic
printed fabric.0-J......... Textile articles classifiable in 10.213(a)(12).
Chapters 50 through 60 or
Chapter 63, HTSUS, that are
products of a lesser developed
beneficiary country and are
wholly formed in one or more
such countries from fibers,
yarns, fabrics, fabric
components, or components knit-
to-shape that are the product of
one or more such countries.------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------6. U.S./African Fabric Producer Name 7. U.S./African Yarn Producer Name
and Address: and Address:
8. U.S. Thread Producer Name and
Address:------------------------------------------------------------------------9. Handloomed, Handmade, or Folklore 10. Name of Short Supply or
Article or Ethnic Printed Fabric: Designated Fabric or Yarn:------------------------------------------------------------------------I certify that the information on this document is complete and accurate
and I assume the responsibility for proving such representations. I
understand that I am liable for any false statements or material
omissions made on or in connection with this document. I agree to
maintain, and present upon request, documentation necessary to support
this certificate.------------------------------------------------------------------------11. Authorized Signature: 12. Company:------------------------------------------------------------------------13. Name: (Print or Type) 14. Title:------------------------------------------------------------------------15. Date: (DD/MM/ 16. Blanket 17. Telephone:
YY) Period Facsimile:
From: To:------------------------------------------------------------------------
(c) Preparation of Certificate. The following rules will apply for purposes of completing the Certificate of Origin set forth in paragraph (b) of this section:
(1) Blocks 1 through 5 pertain only to the final article exported to the United States for which preferential treatment may be claimed;
(2) Block 1 should state the legal name and address (including country) of the exporter;
(3) Block 2 should state the legal name and address (including country) of the producer. If there is more than one producer, attach a list stating the legal name and address (including country) of all additional producers. If this information is confidential, it is acceptable to state ``available to CBP upon request'' in block 2. If the producer and the exporter are the same, state ``same'' in block 2;
(4) Block 3 should state the legal name and address (including country) of the importer;
(5) In block 4, insert the number and/or letter that identifies the preference group which applies to the article according to the description contained in the CFR provision cited on the Certificate for that group;
(6) Block 5 should provide a full description of each article. The description should be sufficient to relate it to the invoice description and to the description of the article in the international Harmonized System. Include the invoice number as shown on the commercial invoice or, if the invoice number is not known, include another unique reference number such as the shipping order number;
(7) Blocks 6 through 10 must be completed only when the block in question calls for information that is relevant to the preference group identified in block 4;
(8) Block 6 should state the legal name and address (including country) of the fabric producer;
(9) Block 7 should state the legal name and address (including country) of the yarn producer;
(10) Block 8 should state the legal name and address (including country) of the thread producer;
(11) Block 9 should state the name of the folklore article or should state that the article is handloomed, handmade or an ethnic printed fabric;
(12) Block 10, should be completed only when preference group identifier ``8'' and/or ``H'' is inserted in block 4 and should state the name of the fabric or yarn that is in short supply in the NAFTA or that has been designated as not available in commercial quantities in the United States;
(13) Block 11 must contain the signature of the exporter or producer or of the exporter's or producer's authorized agent having knowledge of the relevant facts;
(14) Block 15 should reflect the date on which the Certificate was completed and signed;
(15) Block 16 should be completed if the Certificate is intended to cover multiple shipments of identical articles as described in block 5 that are imported into the United States during a specified period of up to one year (see Sec. 10.216(b)(4)(ii)). The ``from'' date is the date on which the Certificate became applicable to the article covered by the blanket Certificate (this date may be prior to the date reflected in block 15). The ``to'' date is the date on which the blanket period expires;
(16) The telephone and facsimile numbers included in block 17 should be those at which the person who signed the Certificate may be contacted; and
(17) The Certificate may be printed and reproduced locally. If more space is needed to complete the Certificate, attach a continuation sheet.