(a) General. Merchandise may be transported by pipeline under the procedures in this part, as appropriate and unless otherwise specifically provided for in this section.
(b) Bill of lading to account for merchandise. Unless Customs has reasonable cause to suspect fraud, Customs shall accept a bill of lading or equivalent document of receipt issued by the pipeline operator to the shipper and accepted by the consignee to account for the quantity of merchandise transported by pipeline and to maintain the identity of the merchandise.
(c) Procedures when pipeline is only carrier. When a pipeline is the only carrier of bonded merchandise and there is no transfer to another carrier, the bill of lading or equivalent document of receipt issued by the pipeline operator to the shipper shall be included with, and made a part of, the Customs in-bond document (see Sec. 18.2(b)). If there are no discrepancies between the bill of lading or equivalent document of receipt and the other documents making up the in-bond manifest for the merchandise, and provided that Customs has no reasonable cause to suspect fraud, the bill of lading or equivalent document of receipt shall be accepted by Customs at the port of destination or exportation (see Sec. Sec. 18.2(d) and 18.7) as establishing the quantity and identity of the merchandise transported. The pipeline operator shall be responsible for any discrepancies, including shortages, irregular deliveries, or nondeliveries at the port of destination or exportation (see Sec. 18.8).
(d) Procedures when there is more than one carrier (i.e., transfer of the merchandise)--(1) Pipeline as initial carrier. When a pipeline is the initial carrier of bonded merchandise and the merchandise is transferred to another conveyance (either a different mode of transportation or a pipeline operated by another operator), the procedures in Sec. 18.3 and paragraph (c) of this section shall be followed, except that--
(1) Pipeline as initial carrier. When a pipeline is the initial carrier of bonded merchandise and the merchandise is transferred to another conveyance (either a different mode of transportation or a pipeline operated by another operator), the procedures in Sec. 18.3 and paragraph (c) of this section shall be followed, except that--
(i) When the merchandise is to be transferred to one conveyance, a copy of the bill of lading or equivalent document issued by the pipeline operator to the shipper shall be delivered to the person in charge of the conveyance for delivery, along with the in-bond document, to the appropriate Customs official at the port of destination or exportation; or
(ii) When the merchandise is to be transferred to more than one conveyance, a copy of the bill of lading or equivalent document issued by the pipeline operator to the shipper shall be delivered to the person in charge of each additional conveyance, along with the two additional copies of the in-bond document, for delivery to the appropriate Customs official at the port of destination or exportation.
(2) Transfer to pipeline from initial carrier other than a pipeline. When bonded merchandise initially transported by a carrier other than a pipeline is transferred to a pipeline, the procedures in Sec. 18.3 and paragraph (c) of this section shall be followed, except that the bill of lading or other equivalent document of receipt issued by the pipeline operator to the shipper shall be delivered, along with the in-bond document, to the appropriate Customs officer at the port of destination or exportation.
(3) Initial carrier liable for discrepancies. In the case of either paragraph (d)(1) or (d)(2) of this section, the initial carrier shall be responsible for any discrepancies, including shortages, irregular deliveries, or nondeliveries, at the port of destination or exportation (see Sec. 18.8).
(e) Recordkeeping. The shipper, pipeline operator, and consignee are subject to the recordkeeping requirements in 19 U.S.C. 1508 and 1509, as provided for in part 162 of this chapter. [T.D. 96-18, 61 FR 6779, Feb. 22, 1996]
Merchandise Not Otherwise Subject to Customs Control Exported Under
Cover of a TIR Carnet