(a) Upon presentation of proper credentials showing the applicant to be a representative of the Trunk Line Association, the Surface Transportation Board, the Joint Rate Inspection Bureau of Chicago or the Southern Weighing and Inspection Bureau of Atlanta, inspectors of CBP in charge will permit such applicant to examine packages containing in-bond merchandise described in the manifest in general terms for the purpose of ascertaining whether the merchandise is properly classified under the interstate commerce laws.
(b) The opening and examination of such packages shall be without expense to the Customs Service or the owner of the goods and shall be done in the presence of a Customs officer. The contents of the cases shall not be removed or disturbed further than is necessary to ascertain the character thereof. The Customs officer shall require the packages to be securely closed, and shall note on the manifest the packages so inspected, the date, and by whom inspected. [28 FR 14755, Dec. 31, 1963, as amended by CBP Dec. 04-28, 69 FR 52599, Aug. 27, 2004]