(a)(1)(i) On issues concerning violation of section 337. Unless otherwise ordered by the Commission, the administrative law judge shall certify the record to the Commission and shall file an initial determination on whether there is a violation of section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 in an original investigation no later than 4 months before the target date set pursuant to Sec. 210.51(a)(1).
(1)(i) On issues concerning violation of section 337. Unless otherwise ordered by the Commission, the administrative law judge shall certify the record to the Commission and shall file an initial determination on whether there is a violation of section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 in an original investigation no later than 4 months before the target date set pursuant to Sec. 210.51(a)(1).
(i) On issues concerning violation of section 337. Unless otherwise ordered by the Commission, the administrative law judge shall certify the record to the Commission and shall file an initial determination on whether there is a violation of section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 in an original investigation no later than 4 months before the target date set pursuant to Sec. 210.51(a)(1).
(ii) Recommended determination on issues concerning permanent relief, bonding, and the public interest. Unless the Commission orders otherwise, within 14 days after issuance of the initial determination on violation of section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, the administrative law judge shall issue a recommended determination containing findings of fact and recommendations concerning--
(A) The appropriate remedy in the event that the Commission finds a violation of section 337, and
(B) The amount of the bond to be posted by the respondents during Presidential review of Commission action under section 337(j) of the Tariff Act.
(C) The public interest under sections 337(d)(1) and (f)(1) in investigations where the Commission has ordered the administrative law judge under Sec. 210.50(b)(1) to take evidence with respect to the public interest.
(2) On certain motions to declassify information. The decision of the administrative law judge granting a motion to declassify information, in whole or in part, shall be in the form of an initial determination as provided in Sec. 210.20(b).
(b) On issues concerning temporary relief or forfeiture of temporary relief bonds. Certification of the record and the disposition of an initial determination concerning a motion for temporary relief are governed by Sec. Sec. 210.65 and 210.66. The disposition of an initial determination concerning possible forfeiture or return of a complainant's temporary relief bond, in whole or in part, is governed by Sec. 210.70.
(c) On other matters. (1) The administrative law judge shall grant the following types of motions by issuing an initial determination or shall deny them by issuing an order: a motion to amend the complaint or notice of investigation pursuant to Sec. 210.14(b); a motion for a finding of default pursuant to Sec. Sec. 210.16 and 210.17; a motion for summary determination pursuant to Sec. 210.18; a motion for intervention pursuant to Sec. 210.19; a motion for termination pursuant to Sec. 210.21; a motion to suspend an investigation pursuant to Sec. 210.23; or a motion to set a target date for an original investigation exceeding 16 months pursuant to Sec. 210.51(a)(1); or a motion to set a target date for a formal enforcement proceeding exceeding 12 months pursuant to Sec. 210.51(a)(2).
(1) The administrative law judge shall grant the following types of motions by issuing an initial determination or shall deny them by issuing an order: a motion to amend the complaint or notice of investigation pursuant to Sec. 210.14(b); a motion for a finding of default pursuant to Sec. Sec. 210.16 and 210.17; a motion for summary determination pursuant to Sec. 210.18; a motion for intervention pursuant to Sec. 210.19; a motion for termination pursuant to Sec. 210.21; a motion to suspend an investigation pursuant to Sec. 210.23; or a motion to set a target date for an original investigation exceeding 16 months pursuant to Sec. 210.51(a)(1); or a motion to set a target date for a formal enforcement proceeding exceeding 12 months pursuant to Sec. 210.51(a)(2).
(2) The administrative law judge shall grant or deny the following types of motions by issuing an initial determination: a motion for forfeiture or return of respondents' bonds pursuant to Sec. 210.50(d) or a motion for forfeiture or return of a complainant's temporary relief bond pursuant to Sec. 210.70.
(d) Contents. The initial determination shall include: an opinion stating findings (with specific page references to principal supporting items of evidence in the record) and conclusions and the reasons or bases therefor necessary for the disposition of all material issues of fact, law, or discretion presented in the record; and a statement that, pursuant to Sec. 210.42(h), the initial determination shall become the determination of the Commission unless a party files a petition for review of the initial determination pursuant to Sec. 210.43(a) or the Commission, pursuant to Sec. 210.44, orders on its own motion a review of the initial determination or certain issues therein.
(e) Notice to and advice from other departments and agencies. Notice of each initial determination granting a motion for termination of an investigation in whole or part on the basis of a consent order or a settlement, licensing, or other agreement pursuant to Sec. 210.21 of this part, and notice of such other initial determinations as the Commission may order, shall be provided to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S. Department of Justice, the Federal Trade Commission, the U.S. Customs Service, and such other departments and agencies as the Commission deems appropriate. The Commission shall consider comments, limited to issues raised by the record, the initial determination, and the petitions for review, received from such agencies when deciding whether to initiate review or the scope of review. The Commission shall allow such agencies 10 days after the service of an initial determination to submit their comments.
(f) Initial determination made by the administrative law judge. An initial determination under this section shall be made and filed by the administrative law judge who presided over the investigation, except when that person is unavailable to the Commission and except as provided in Sec. 210.20(a).
(g) Reopening of proceedings by the administrative law judge. At any time prior to the filing of the initial determination, the administrative law judge may reopen the proceedings for the reception of additional evidence.
(h) Effect. (1) An initial determination filed pursuant to Sec. 210.42(a)(2) shall become the determination of the Commission 45 days after the date of service of the initial determination, unless the Commission has ordered review of the initial determination or certain issues therein, or by order has changed the effective date of the initial determination.
(1) An initial determination filed pursuant to Sec. 210.42(a)(2) shall become the determination of the Commission 45 days after the date of service of the initial determination, unless the Commission has ordered review of the initial determination or certain issues therein, or by order has changed the effective date of the initial determination.
(2) An initial determination under Sec. 210.42(a)(1)(i) shall become the determination of the Commission 60 days after the date of service of the initial determination, unless the Commission within 60 days after the date of such service shall have ordered review of the initial determination or certain issues therein or by order has changed the effective date of the initial determination. The findings and recommendations made by the administrative law judge in the recommended determination issued pursuant to Sec. 210.42(a)(1)(ii) will be considered by the Commission in reaching determinations on remedy and bonding by the respondents pursuant to Sec. 210.50(a).
(3) An initial determination filed pursuant to Sec. 210.42(c) shall become the determination of the Commission 30 days after the date of service of the initial determination, except as provided for in paragraph (h)(5) and paragraph (h)(6) of this section, Sec. 210.50(d)(3), and Sec. 210.70(c), unless the Commission, within 30 days after the date of such service shall have ordered review of the initial determination or certain issues therein or by order has changed the effective date of the initial determination.
(4) The disposition of an initial determination granting or denying a motion for temporary relief is governed by Sec. 210.66.
(5) The disposition of an initial determination concerning possible forfeiture of a complainant's temporary relief bond is governed by Sec. 210.70(c).
(6) The disposition of an initial determination filed pursuant to Sec. 210.42(c) which grants a motion for summary determination that would terminate the investigation in its entirety if it were to become the Commission's final determination, shall become the final determination of the Commission 45 days after the date of service of the initial determination, unless the Commission has ordered review of the initial determination or certain issues therein, or by order has changed the effective date of the initial determination.
(i) Notice of determination. A notice stating that the Commission's decision on whether to review an initial determination will be issued by the Secretary and served on the parties. Notice of the Commission's decision will be published in the Federal Register if the decision results in termination of the investigation in its entirety, if the Commission deems publication of the notice to be appropriate under Sec. 201.10 of subpart B of this part, or if publication of the notice is required under Sec. 210.49(b) of this subpart or Sec. 210.66(f) of subpart H of this part. [59 FR 39039, Aug. 1, 1994, as amended at 59 FR 67628, Dec. 30, 1994; 60 FR 53120, Oct. 12, 1995; 73 FR 38324, July 7, 2008; 76 FR 64809, Oct. 19, 2011; 78 FR 23484, Apr. 19, 2013]