The nationality and tonnage of a vessel shall be verified by examination of its marine document. If such examination discloses that insufficient tonnage tax was collected on entry of the vessel, no clearance shall be granted until the deficiency is paid. Sec. 4.65a Load lines.
(a) If a port director is notified by an officer of the United States Coast Guard that a detention order has been issued against a vessel engaged in the foreign trade under the International Voyage Load Line Act of 1973, clearance shall not be granted until the order is withdrawn.
(b) If a port director issues a detention order under the Coastwise Load Line Act, 1935, as amended, or is notified by an officer of the United States Coast Guard that a detention order has been issued against a vessel under the aforesaid Act, clearance shall not be granted until the order is withdrawn. [T.D. 75-133, 40 FR 24518, June 9, 1975]