(a) A person or company paying any sum or damages to an employee who has received sickness benefits from the Board shall, upon receipt of notice as provided in Sec. 341.3(a), be liable to the Board for the amount of reimbursement computed under Sec. 341.5. This liability may be relieved by either:
(1) Withholding the amount reimbursable to the Board from the sum or damages payable to the employee, and subsequently paying that amount to the Board; or
(2) Including the U.S. Railroad Retirement Board as a payee on the check or draft along with the employee and any others who have an interest in the damages.
(b) If the person or company paying the damages does not protect the Board's lien or attempts to protect the Board's lien in some manner other than those described in paragraph (a) of this section, that person or company shall remain liable to the Board until the Board is reimbursed in full.