(a) We will maintain an accounting of all disclosures of a record for five years or for the life of the record, whichever is longer; except that, we will not make accounting for:
(1) Disclosures under paragraphs (a) and (b) of Sec. 401.110; and,
(2) Disclosures of your record made with your written consent.
(b) The accounting will include:
(1) The date, nature, and purpose of each disclosure; and
(2) The name and address of the person or entity to whom the disclosure is made.
(c) You may request access to an accounting of disclosures of your record. You must request access to an accounting in accordance with the procedures in Sec. 401.40. You will be granted access to an accounting of the disclosures of your record in accordance with the procedures of this part which govern access to the related record. We may, at our discretion, grant access to an accounting of a disclosure of a record made under paragraph (g) of Sec. 401.110.