(a) Your primary insurance amount may be ``recalculated'' in certain instances. When we recalculate your primary amount, we refigure it under the same method we used in the first computation by taking into account--
(1) Earnings (including compensation for railroad service) incorrectly included or excluded in the first computation;
(2) Special deemed earnings credits including credits for military service (see subpart N of this part) and for individuals interned during World War II (see subpart K of this part), not available at the time of the first computation;
(3) Correction of clerical or mathematical errors; or
(4) Other miscellaneous changes in status.
(b) Unlike recomputations, which may only serve to increase your primary insurance amount, recalculations may serve to either increase or reduce it.
Sec. Appendixes to Subpart C of Part 404--Note
The following appendices contain data that are needed in computing primary insurance amounts. Appendix I contains average of the total wages figures, which we use to index a worker's earnings for purposes of computing his or her average indexed monthly earnings. Appendix II contains benefit formulas which we apply to a worker's average indexed monthly earnings to find his or her primary insurance amount. Appendix III contains the benefit table we use to find a worker's primary insurance amount from his or her average monthly wage. We use the figures in appendix IV to find your years of coverage for years after 1950 for purposes of your special minimum primary insurance amount. Appendix V contains the table for computing the special minimum primary insurance amount. Appendix VI is a table of the percentage increases in primary insurance amounts since 1978. Appendix VII is a table of the old-law contribution and benefit base that would have been effective under the Social Security Act without enactment of the 1977 amendments.
The figures in the appendices are by law automatically adjusted each year. We are required to announce the changes through timely publication in the Federal Register. The only exception to the requirement of publication in the Federal Register is the update of benefit amounts shown in appendix III. We update the benefit amounts for payment purposes but are not required by law to publish this extensive table in the Federal Register. We have not updated the table in appendix III, but the introductory paragraphs at appendix III explain how you can compute the current benefit amount.
When we publish the figures in the Federal Register, we do not change every one of these figures. Instead, we provide new ones for each year that passes. We continue to use the old ones for various computation purposes, as the regulations show. Most of the new figures for these appendices are required by law to be published by November 1 of each year. Notice of automatic cost-of-living increases in primary insurance amounts is required to be published within 45 days of the end of the applicable measuring period for the increase (see Secs. 404.274 and 404.276). In effect, publication is required within 45 days of the end of the third calendar quarter of any year in which there is to be an automatic cost-of-living increase.
We begin to use the new data in computing primary insurance amounts as soon as required by law, even before we periodically update these appendices. If the data you need to find your primary insurance amount have not yet been included in the appendices, you may find the figures in the Federal Register on or about November 1. [52 FR 8247, Mar. 17, 1987] Sec. Appendix I to Subpart C of Part 404--Average of the Total Wages for
Years After 1950
Explanation: We use these figures to index your social security earnings (as described in Sec. 404.211) for purposes of computing your average indexed monthly earnings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Average of
Calendar year the total
wages------------------------------------------------------------------------1951....................................................... $2,799.161952....................................................... 2,973.321953....................................................... 3,139.441954....................................................... 3,155.641955....................................................... 3,301.441956....................................................... 3,532.361957....................................................... 3,641.721958....................................................... 3,673.801959....................................................... 3,855.801960....................................................... 4,007.121961....................................................... 4,086.761962....................................................... 4,291.401963....................................................... 4,396.641964....................................................... 4,576.321965....................................................... 4,658.721966....................................................... 4,938.361967....................................................... 5,213.441968....................................................... 5,571.761969....................................................... 5,893.761970....................................................... 6,186.241971....................................................... 6,497.081972....................................................... 7,133.801973....................................................... 7,580.161974....................................................... 8,030.761975....................................................... 8,630.921976....................................................... 9,226.481977....................................................... 9,779.441978....................................................... 10,556.031979....................................................... 11,479.461980....................................................... 12,513.461981....................................................... 13,773.101982....................................................... 14,531.341983....................................................... 15,239.241984....................................................... 16,135.071985....................................................... 16,822.511986....................................................... 17,321.821987....................................................... 18,426.511988....................................................... 19,334.041989....................................................... 20,099.551990....................................................... 21,027.98------------------------------------------------------------------------ [47 FR 30734, July 15, 1982, as amended at 52 FR 8247, Mar. 17, 1987; 57 FR 44096, Sept. 24, 1992]
Sec. Appendix II to Subpart C of Part 404--Benefit Formulas Used With
Average Indexed Monthly Earnings
As explained in Sec. 404.212, we use one of the formulas below to compute your primary insurance amount from your average indexed monthly earnings (AIME). To select the appropriate formula, we find in the left-hand column the year after 1978 in which you reach age 62, or become disabled, or die before age 62. The benefit formula to be used in computing your primary insurance amount is on the same line in the right-hand columns. For example, if you reach age 62 or become disabled or die before age 62 in 1979, then we compute 90 percent of the first $180 of AIME, 32 percent of the next $905 of AIME, and 15 percent of AIME over $1,085. After we figure your amount for each step in the formula, we add the amounts. If the total is not already a multiple of $0.10, we round the total as follows:
(1) For computations using the benefit formulas in effect for 1979 through 1982, we round the total upward to the nearest $0.10, and
(2) For computations using the benefit formulas in effect for 1983 and later, we round the total downward to the nearest $0.10.
Benefit Formulas------------------------------------------------------------------------
90 plus 32 plus 15
percent percent percent
Year you reach age 62 \1\ of the of the of AIME
first-- next-- over--------------------------------------------------------------------------1979..................................... $180 $905 $1,0851980..................................... 194 977 1,1711981..................................... 211 1,063 1,2741982..................................... 230 1,158 1,3881983..................................... 254 1,274 1,5281984..................................... 267 1,345 1,6121985..................................... 280 1,411 1,6911986..................................... 297 1,493 1,7901987..................................... 310 1,556 1,8661988..................................... 319 1,603 1,9221989..................................... 339 1,705 2,0441990..................................... 356 1,789 2,1451991..................................... 370 1,860 2,2301992..................................... 387 1,946 2,333------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ Or become disabled or die before age 62. [57 FR 44096, Sept. 24, 1992; 57 FR 45878, Oct. 5, 1992]
Sec. Appendix III to Subpart C of Part 404--Benefit Table
This benefit table shows primary insurance amounts and maximum family benefits in effect in December 1978 based on cost-of-living increases which became effective for June 1978. (See Sec. 404.403 for information on maximum family benefits.) You will also be able to find primary insurance amounts for an individual whose entitlement began in the period June 1977 through May 1978.
The benefit table in effect in December 1978 had a minimum primary insurance amount of $121.80. As explained in Sec. 404.222(b), certain workers eligible, or who died without having been eligible, before 1982 had their benefit computed from this table. However, the minimum benefit provision was repealed for other workers by the 1981 amendments to the Act (the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, Pub. L. 97-35 as modified by Pub. L. 97-123). As a result, this benefit table includes a downward extension from the former minimum of $121.80 to the lowest primary insurance amount now possible. The extension is calculated as follows. For each single dollar of average monthly wage in the benefit table, the primary insurance amount shown for December 1978 is $121.80 multiplied by the ratio of that average monthly wage to $76. The upper limit of each primary insurance benefit range in column I of the table is $16.20 multiplied by the ratio of the average monthly wage in column III of the table to $76. The maximum family benefit is 150 percent of the corresponding primary insurance amount.
The repeal of the minimum benefit provision is effective with January 1982 for most workers and their families where the worker initially becomes eligible for benefits after 1981 or dies after 1981 without having been eligible before January 1982. For members of a religious order who are required to take a vow of poverty, as explained in 20 CFR 404.1024, and which religious order elected Social Security coverage before December 29, 1981, the repeal is effective with January 1992 based on first eligibility or death in that month or later.
To use this table, you must first compute the primary insurance benefit (column I) or the average monthly wage (column III), then move across the same line to either column II or column IV as appropriate. To determine increases in primary insurance amounts since December 1978 you should see appendix VI. Appendix VI tells you, by year, the percentage of the increases. In applying each cost-of-living increase to primary insurance amounts, we round the increased primary insurance amount to the next lower multiple of $0.10 if not already a multiple of $0.10. (For cost-of-living increases which are effective before June 1982, we round to the next higher multiple of $0.10.)
Extended December 1978 Table of Benefits Effective January 1982
[In dollars]------------------------------------------------------------------------
I. Primary III. Average V. Maximum
insurance benefit: monthly wage: Or IV. family
If an individual's II. his or her Primary benefits:
primary insurance Primary average monthly insurance And the
benefit (as insurance wage (as amount maximum
determined under amount determined under effective amount of
Sec. 404.241(e)) effective Sec. 404.221) January benefits
is-- June 1977: is-- 1982: payable on-------------------- Or his or ------------------ Then his the basis
her or her of his or
primary But primary her wages
At But not insurance At not insurance and self-
least-- more amount is-- least-- more amount employment
than-- than-- is-- income is--
......... .......... ........ 1 1.70 2.60
0.42 .......... 2 2 3.30 5.00
0.43 .63 .......... 3 3 4.90 7.40
.64 .85 .......... 4 4 6.50 9.80
.86 1.06 .......... 5 5 8.10 12.20
1.07 1.27 .......... 6 6 9.70 14.60
1.28 1.49 .......... 7 7 11.30 17.00
1.50 1.70 .......... 8 8 12.90 19.40
1.71 1.91 .......... 9 9 14.50 21.80
1.92 2.13 .......... 10 10 16.10 24.20
2.14 2.34 .......... 11 11 17.70 26.60
2.35 2.55 .......... 12 12 19.30 29.00
2.56 2.77 .......... 13 13 20.90 31.40
2.78 2.98 .......... 14 14 22.50 33.80
2.99 3.19 .......... 15 15 24.10 36.20
3.20 3.41 .......... 16 16 25.70 38.60
3.42 3.62 .......... 17 17 27.30 41.00
3.63 3.83 .......... 18 18 28.90 43.40
3.84 4.05 .......... 19 19 30.50 45.80
4.06 4.26 .......... 20 20 32.10 48.20
4.27 4.47 .......... 21 21 33.70 50.60
4.48 4.68 .......... 22 22 35.30 53.00
4.69 4.90 .......... 23 23 36.90 55.40
4.91 5.11 .......... 24 24 38.50 57.80
5.12 5.32 .......... 25 25 40.10 60.20
5.33 5.54 .......... 26 26 41.70 62.60
5.55 5.75 .......... 27 27 43.30 65.00
5.76 5.96 .......... 28 28 44.90 67.40
5.97 6.18 .......... 29 29 46.50 69.80
6.19 6.39 .......... 30 30 48.10 72.20
6.40 6.60 .......... 31 31 49.70 74.60
6.61 6.82 .......... 32 32 51.30 77.00
6.83 7.03 .......... 33 33 52.90 79.40
7.04 7.24 .......... 34 34 54.50 81.80
7.25 7.46 .......... 35 35 56.10 84.20
7.47 7.67 .......... 36 36 57.70 86.60
7.68 7.88 .......... 37 37 59.30 89.00
7.89 8.10 .......... 38 38 60.90 91.40
8.11 8.31 .......... 39 39 62.60 93.90
8.32 8.52 .......... 40 40 64.20 96.30
8.53 8.73 .......... 41 41 65.80 98.70
8.74 8.95 .......... 42 42 67.40 101.10
8.96 9.16 .......... 43 43 69.00 103.50
9.17 9.37 .......... 44 44 70.60 105.90
9.38 9.59 .......... 45 45 72.20 108.30
9.60 9.80 .......... 46 46 73.80 110.70
9.81 10.01 .......... 47 47 75.40 113.10
10.02 10.23 .......... 48 48 77.00 115.50
10.24 10.44 .......... 49 49 78.60 117.90
10.45 10.65 .......... 50 50 80.20 120.30
10.66 10.87 .......... 51 51 81.80 122.70
10.88 11.08 .......... 52 52 83.40 125.10
11.09 11.29 .......... 53 53 85.00 127.50
11.30 11.51 .......... 54 54 86.60 129.90
11.52 11.72 .......... 55 55 88.20 132.30
11.73 11.93 .......... 56 56 89.80 134.70
11.94 12.15 .......... 57 57 91.40 137.10
12.16 12.36 .......... 58 58 93.00 139.50
12.37 12.57 .......... 59 59 94.60 141.90
12.58 12.78 .......... 60 60 96.20 144.30
12.79 13.00 .......... 61 61 97.80 146.70
13.01 13.21 .......... 62 62 99.40 149.10
13.22 13.42 .......... 63 63 101.00 151.50
13.43 13.64 .......... 64 64 102.60 153.90
13.65 13.85 .......... 65 65 104.20 156.30
13.86 14.06 .......... 66 66 105.80 158.70
14.07 14.28 .......... 67 67 107.40 161.10
14.29 14.49 .......... 68 68 109.00 163.50
14.50 14.70 .......... 69 69 110.60 165.90
14.71 14.92 .......... 70 70 112.20 168.30
14.93 15.13 .......... 71 71 113.80 170.70
15.14 15.34 .......... 72 72 115.40 173.10
15.35 15.56 .......... 73 73 117.00 175.50
15.57 15.77 .......... 74 74 118.60 177.90
15.78 15.98 .......... 75 75 120.20 180.30
15.99 16.20 .......... 76 76 121.80 182.70------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table of Benefits in Effect in December 1978
[In dollars]------------------------------------------------------------------------
I. Primary III. Average V. Maximum
insurance benefit: monthly wage: Or IV. family
If an individual's II. his or her Primary benefits:
primary insurance Primary average monthly insurance And the
benefit (as insurance wage (as amount maximum
determined under amount determined under effective amount of
Sec. 404.241(e)) effective Sec. 404.221) June benefits
is-- June 1977: is-- 1978: payable on-------------------- Or his or ------------------ Then his the basis
her or her of his or
primary But primary her wages
At But not insurance At not insurance and self-
least-- more amount is-- least-- more amount employment
than-- than-- is-- income is--
16.20 114.30 ........ 76 121.80 182.70
16.21 16.84 116.10 77 78 123.70 185.60
16.85 17.60 118.80 79 80 126.60 189.90
17.61 18.40 121.00 81 81 128.90 193.50
18.41 19.24 123.00 82 83 131.20 196.80
19.25 20.00 125.80 84 85 134.00 201.00
20.01 20.64 128.10 86 87 136.50 204.80
20.65 21.28 130.10 88 89 138.60 207.90
21.29 21.88 132.70 90 90 141.40 212.10
21.89 22.28 135.00 91 92 143.80 215.70
22.29 22.68 137.20 93 94 146.20 219.20
22.59 23.08 139.40 95 96 148.50 222.80
23.09 23.44 142.00 97 97 151.30 227.00
23.45 23.76 144.30 98 99 153.70 230.60
23.77 24.20 147.10 100 101 156.70 235.10
24.21 24.60 149.20 102 102 158.90 238.50
24.61 25.00 151.70 103 104 161.60 242.40
25.01 25.48 154.50 105 106 164.60 246.90
25.49 25.92 157.00 107 107 167.30 251.00
25.93 26.40 159.40 108 109 169.80 254.80
26.41 26.94 161.90 110 113 172.50 258.80
26.95 27.46 164.20 114 118 174.90 262.40
27.47 28.00 166.70 119 122 177.60 266.50
28.01 28.68 169.30 123 127 180.40 270.60
28.69 29.25 171.80 128 132 183.00 274.60
29.26 29.68 174.10 133 136 185.50 278.30
29.69 30.36 176.50 137 141 188.00 282.10
30.37 30.92 179.10 142 146 190.80 286.20
30.93 31.36 181.70 147 150 193.60 290.40
31.37 32.00 183.90 151 155 195.90 293.90
32.01 32.60 186.50 156 160 198.70 298.10
32.61 33.20 189.00 161 164 201.30 302.00
33.21 33.88 191.40 165 169 203.90 305.90
33.89 34.50 194.00 170 174 206.70 310.10
34.51 35.00 196.30 175 178 209.10 313.70
35.01 35.80 198.90 179 183 211.90 318.00
35.81 36.40 201.30 184 188 214.40 321.70
36.41 37.08 203.90 189 193 217.20 326.00
37.09 37.60 206.40 194 197 219.90 329.90
37.61 38.20 208.80 198 202 222.40 333.60
38.21 39.12 211.50 203 207 225.30 338.00
39.13 39.68 214.00 208 211 228.00 342.00
39.69 40.33 216.00 212 216 230.10 345.20
40.34 41.12 218.70 217 221 233.00 349.50
41.13 41.76 221.20 222 225 235.60 353.40
41.77 42.44 223.90 226 230 238.50 357.80
42.45 43.20 226.30 231 235 241.10 361.70
43.21 43.76 229.10 236 239 244.00 366.10
43.77 44.44 231.20 240 244 246.30 371.10
44.45 44.88 233.50 245 249 248.70 378.80
44.89 45.60 236.40 250 253 251.80 384.90
......... 238.70 254 258 254.30 392.50
......... 240.80 259 263 256.50 400.00
......... 243.70 264 267 259.60 206.00
......... 246.10 268 272 262.10 413.70
......... 248.70 273 277 264.90 421.20
......... 251.00 278 281 267.40 427.20
......... 253.50 282 286 270.00 434.90
......... 256.20 287 291 272.90 442.60
......... 258.30 292 295 275.10 448.50
......... 261.10 296 300 278.10 456.10
......... 263.50 301 305 280.70 463.80
......... 265.80 306 309 283.10 469.80
......... 268.50 310 314 286.00 477.40
......... 270.70 315 319 288.30 485.10
......... 273.20 320 323 291.00 491.10
......... 275.80 324 328 293.80 498.70
......... 278.10 329 333 296.20 506.20
......... 281.00 334 337 299.30 512.50
......... 283.00 338 342 301.40 519.90
......... 285.60 343 347 304.20 527.50
......... 288.30 348 351 307.10 533.60
......... 290.50 352 356 309.40 541.20
......... 293.30 357 361 312.40 548.80
......... 295.60 362 365 314.90 554.90
......... 297.90 366 370 317.30 562.50
......... 300.60 371 375 320.20 569.90
......... 303.10 376 379 322.90 576.30
......... 305.70 380 384 325.60 583.90
......... 307.90 385 389 328.00 591.30
......... 310.30 390 393 330.50 597.40
......... 313.00 394 398 333.40 605.10
......... 315.40 399 403 336.00 612.70
......... 318.20 404 407 338.90 618.60
......... 320.20 408 412 341.10 626.30
......... 322.50 413 417 343.50 633.80
......... 324.80 418 421 346.00 639.90
......... 327.40 422 426 348.70 647.50
......... 329.60 427 431 351.10 655.10
......... 331.60 432 436 353.20 662.70
......... 334.40 437 440 356.20 665.70
......... 336.50 441 445 358.40 669.70
......... 338.70 446 450 360.80 673.40
......... 341.30 451 454 363.50 676.30
......... 343.50 455 459 365.90 680.10
......... 345.80 460 464 368.30 683.80
......... 347.90 465 468 370.60 687.10
......... 350.70 469 473 373.50 690.80
......... 352.60 474 478 375.60 694.60
......... 354.90 479 482 378.00 697.70
......... 357.40 483 487 380.70 701.60
......... 359.70 488 492 383.10 705.40
......... 361.90 493 496 385.50 708.40
......... 364.50 497 501 388.20 712.10
......... 366.60 502 506 390.50 715.80
......... 368.90 507 510 392.90 719.00
......... 371.10 511 515 395.30 722.80
......... 373.70 516 520 398.00 726.70
......... 375.80 521 524 400.30 729.50
......... 378.10 525 529 402.70 733.40
......... 380.80 530 534 405.60 737.10
......... 382.80 535 538 407.70 740.20
......... 385.10 539 543 410.20 744.10
......... 387.60 544 548 412.80 747.80
......... 389.90 549 553 415.30 751.60
......... 392.10 554 556 417.60 753.90
......... 393.90 557 560 419.60 756.90
......... 396.10 561 563 421.90 759.30
......... 398.20 564 567 424.10 762.30
......... 400.40 568 570 426.50 764.50
......... 402.30 571 574 428.50 767.50
......... 404.40 575 577 430.70 769.90
......... 406.20 578 581 432.70 772.80
......... 408.40 582 584 435.00 775.20
......... 410.20 585 588 436.90 778.20
......... 412.60 589 591 439.50 780.50
......... 414.60 592 595 441.60 783.50
......... 416.70 596 598 443.80 785.60
......... 418.70 599 602 446.00 788.90
......... 420.70 603 605 448.10 791.10
......... 422.80 606 609 450.30 794.00
......... 424.90 610 612 452.60 796.50
......... 426.90 613 616 454.70 799.50
......... 428.90 617 620 456.80 802.50
......... 431.00 621 623 459.10 804.80
......... 433.00 624 627 461.20 807.90
......... 435.10 628 630 463.40 810.70
......... 437.10 631 634 465.60 814.70
......... 439.20 635 637 467.80 818.50
......... 441.40 638 641 470.10 822.40
......... 443.20 642 644 472.10 826.10
......... 445.40 645 648 474.40 830.10
......... 447.40 649 652 476.50 833.70
......... 448.60 653 656 477.80 836.10
......... 449.90 657 660 479.20 838.40
......... 451.50 661 665 480.90 841.50
......... 453.10 666 670 482.60 844.50
......... 454.80 671 675 484.40 847.40
......... 456.40 676 680 486.10 850.50
......... 458.00 681 685 487.80 853.50
......... 459.80 686 690 489.70 856.40
......... 461.20 691 695 491.20 859.60
......... 462.80 696 700 492.90 862.60
......... 464.50 701 705 494.70 865.60
......... 466.10 706 710 496.40 868.60
......... 467.70 711 715 498.20 871.50
......... 469.40 716 720 500.00 874.60
......... 471.00 721 725 501.70 877.60
......... 472.60 726 730 503.40 880.70
......... 474.20 731 735 505.10 883.80
......... 475.90 736 740 506.90 886.70
......... 477.40 741 745 508.50 889.90
......... 478.90 746 750 510.10 892.70
......... 480.40 751 755 511.70 896.40
......... 481.80 756 760 513.20 897.80
......... 483.20 761 765 514.70 900.40
......... 484.50 766 770 516.00 903.00
......... 485.80 771 775 517.40 905.40
......... 487.20 776 780 518.90 907.90
......... 488.60 781 785 520.40 910.40
......... 489.80 786 790 521.70 912.90
......... 491.10 791 795 523.10 915.40
......... 492.50 796 800 524.60 918.00
......... 494.00 801 805 526.20 920.50
......... 495.30 806 810 527.50 923.00
......... 496.70 811 815 529.00 925.60
......... 498.00 816 820 530.40 928.00
......... 499.40 821 825 531.90 930.60
......... 500.70 826 830 533.30 933.10
......... 502.00 831 835 534.70 935.70
......... 503.30 836 840 536.10 938.10
......... 504.70 841 845 537.60 940.80
......... 506.00 846 850 538.90 943.00
......... 507.50 851 855 540.50 945.70
......... 508.80 856 860 541.90 948.10
......... 510.20 861 865 543.40 950.70
......... 511.50 866 870 544.80 953.20
......... 512.90 871 875 546.30 955.70
......... 514.10 876 880 547.60 958.20
......... 515.50 881 885 549.10 960.80
......... 516.80 886 890 550.40 963.20
......... 518.20 891 895 551.90 966.00
......... 519.60 896 900 553.40 968.30
......... 521.00 901 905 554.90 970.90
......... 522.30 906 910 556.30 973.50
......... 523.70 911 915 557.80 976.00
......... 525.10 916 920 559.30 978.30
......... 526.30 921 925 560.60 961.00
......... 527.60 926 930 561.90 983.40
......... 529.00 931 935 563.40 985.90
......... 530.40 936 940 564.90 988.50
......... 531.70 941 945 566.30 991.00
......... 533.00 946 950 567.70 993.50
......... 534.50 951 955 569.30 996.10
......... 535.90 956 960 570.80 998.60
......... 537.30 961 965 572.30 1,001.00
......... 538.40 966 970 573.40 1,003.60
......... 539.80 971 975 574.90 1,006.20
......... 541.20 976 980 576.40 1,008.50
......... 542.60 981 985 577.90 1,011.10
......... 543.80 986 990 579.20 1,013.60
......... 545.20 991 995 580.70 1,016.20
......... 546.60 996 1,000 582.20 1,018.60
......... 547.80 1,001 1,005 583.50 1,020.70
......... 548.90 1,006 1,010 584.60 1,023.20
......... 550.20 1,011 1,015 586.00 1,025.30
......... 551.50 1,016 1,020 587.40 1,027.80
......... 552.60 1,021 1,025 588.60 1,029.90
......... 553.80 1,026 1,030 589.80 1,032.20
......... 555.10 1,031 1,035 591.20 1,034.50
......... 556.20 1,036 1,040 592.40 1,036.70
......... 557.50 1,041 1,045 593.80 1,039.10
......... 558.80 1,046 1,050 595.20 1,041.30
......... 559.80 1,051 1,055 596.20 1,043.40
......... 561.10 1,056 1,060 597.60 1,045.90
......... 562.40 1,061 1,065 599.00 1,048.00
......... 563.60 1,066 1,070 600.30 1,050.50
......... 564.80 1,071 1,075 601.60 1,052.60
......... 566.00 1,076 1,080 602.80 1,054.90
......... 567.30 1,081 1,085 604.20 1,057.10
......... 568.40 1,086 1,090 605.40 1,059.40
......... 569.70 1,091 1,095 606.80 1,061.70
......... 571.00 1,096 1,100 608.20 1,064.00
......... 572.00 1,101 1,105 609.20 1,066.10
......... 573.30 1,106 1,110 610.60 1.068.50
......... 574.60 1,111 1,115 612.00 1,070.70
......... 575.70 1,116 1,120 613.20 1,073.10
......... 577.00 1,121 1,125 614.60 1,075.30
......... 578.20 1,126 1,130 615.80 1,077.60
......... 579.40 1,131 1,135 617.10 1,079.70
......... 580.60 1,136 1,140 618.40 1,082.20
......... 581.90 1,141 1,145 619.80 1,084.40
......... 583.10 1,146 1,150 621.10 1,086.70
......... 584.20 1,151 1,555 622.20 1,088.80
......... 585.50 1,156 1,160 623.60 1,091.10
......... 586.70 1,161 1,165 624.90 1,093.40
......... 587.90 1,166 1,170 626.20 1,095.80
......... 589.20 1,171 1,175 627.50 1,098.00
......... 590.30 1,176 1,180 628.70 1,100.20
......... 591.40 1,181 1,185 629.90 1,102.20
......... 592.60 1,186 1,190 631.20 1,104.30
......... 593.70 1,191 1,195 632.30 1,106.50
......... 594.80 1,196 1,200 633.50 1,108.60
......... 595.90 1,201 1,205 634.70 1,110.60
......... 597.10 1,206 1,210 636.00 1,112.90
......... 598.20 1,211 1,215 637.10 1,114.90
......... 599.30 1,216 1,220 638.30 1,117.00
......... 600.40 1,221 1,225 639.50 1,119.00
......... 601.60 1,226 1,230 640.80 1,121.20
......... 602.70 1,231 1,235 641.90 1,123.30
......... 603.80 1,236 1,240 643.10 1,125.40
......... 605.00 1,241 1,245 644.40 1,127.50
......... 606.10 1,246 1,250 645.50 1,129.60
......... 607.20 1,251 1,255 646.70 1,131.60
......... 608.30 1,256 1,260 647.90 1,133.80
......... 609.50 1,261 1,265 649.20 1,135.90
......... 610.60 1,266 1,270 650.30 1,138.00
......... 611.70 1,271 1,275 651.50 1,140.00
......... 612.80 1,276 1,280 652.70 1,142.20
......... 613.80 1,281 1,285 653.70 1,144.10
......... 614.80 1,286 1,290 654.90 1,146.10
......... 616.00 1,291 1,295 656.10 1,148.00
......... 617.00 1,296 1,300 657.20 1,150.00
......... 618.10 1,301 1,305 658.30 1,152.00
......... 619.10 1,306 1,310 659.40 1,154.00
......... 620.20 1,311 1,315 660.60 1,155.90
......... 621.30 1,316 1,320 661.70 1,157.90
......... 622.30 1,321 1,325 662.80 1,159.80
......... 623.40 1,326 1,330 664.00 1,161.90
......... 624.40 1,331 1,335 665.00 1,163.80
......... 625.50 1,336 1,340 666.20 1,165.80
......... 626.60 1,341 1,345 667.40 1,167.70
......... 627.60 1,346 1,350 668.40 1,169.70
......... 628.70 1,351 1,355 669.60 1,171.70
......... 629.70 1,356 1,360 670.70 1,173.70
......... 630.80 1,361 1,365 671.90 1,175.60
......... 631.80 1,366 1,370 672.90 1,177.70
......... 632.90 1,371 1,375 674.10 1,179.60
......... 633.90 1,376 1,380 675.20 1,181.60
......... 634.90 1,381 1,385 676.20 1,183.40
......... 635.90 1,386 1,390 677.30 1,185.30
......... 636.90 1,391 1,395 678.30 1,187.10
......... 637.90 1,396 1,400 679.40 1,189.00
......... 638.90 1,401 1,405 680.50 1,190.80
......... 639.90 1,406 1,410 681.50 1,192.70
......... 640.90 1,411 1,415 682.60 1,194.60
......... 641.90 1,416 1,420 683.70 1,196.50
......... 642.90 1,421 1,425 685.70 1,198.30
......... 643.90 1,426 1,430 684.80 1,200.20
......... 644.90 1,431 1,435 686.90 1,202.00
......... 645.90 1,436 1,440 687.90 1,203.90
......... 646.90 1,441 1,445 689.00 1,205.70
......... 647.90 1,446 1,450 690.10 1,207.70
......... 648.90 1,451 1,455 691.10 1,209.50
......... 649.90 1,456 1,460 692.20 1,211.40
......... 650.90 1,461 1,465 693.30 1,213.20
......... 651.90 1,466 1,470 694.30 1,215.10
......... 652.90 1,471 1,475 695.40 1,216.90------------------------------------------------------------------------ [47 FR 30734, July 15, 1982; 47 FR 35479, Aug. 16, 1982, as amended at 48 FR 46143, Oct. 11, 1983; 48 FR 50076, Oct. 31, 1983] Sec. Appendix IV to Subpart C of Part 404--Earnings Needed for a Year of
Coverage After 1950 Minimum Social Security Earnings to Qualify for a Year of Coverage After
1950 for Purposes of the--------------------------------------------------------------------------
Special Benefit
minimum computations
Year primary described in
insurance section
amount 404.213(d) \2\------------------------------------------------------------------------1951-1954................................. $900 $9001955-1958................................. 1,050 1,0501959-1965................................. 1,200 1,2001966-1967................................. 1,650 1,6501968-1971................................. 1,950 1,9501972...................................... 2,250 2,2501973...................................... 2,700 2,7001974...................................... 3,300 3,3001975...................................... 3,525 3,5251976...................................... 3,825 3,8251977...................................... 4,125 4,1251978...................................... 4,425 4,4251979...................................... 4,725 4,7251980...................................... 5,100 5,1001981...................................... 5,550 5,5501982...................................... 6,075 6,0751983...................................... 6,675 6,6751984...................................... 7,050 7,0501985...................................... 7,425 7,4251986...................................... 7,875 7,8751987...................................... 8,175 8,1751988...................................... 8,400 8,4001989...................................... 8,925 8,9251990...................................... 9,525 9,5251991...................................... 5,940 9,9001992...................................... 6,210 10,350------------------------------------------------------------------------\2\ Applies only to certain individuals with pensions from noncovered
Note: For 1951-78, the amounts shown are 25 percent of the contribution and benefit base (the contribution and benefit base is the same as the annual wage limitation as shown in Sec. 404.1047) in effect. For years after 1978, however, the amounts are 25 percent of what the contribution and benefit base would have been if the 1977 Social Security Amendments had not been enacted, except, for special minimum benefit purposes, the applicable percentage is 15 percent for years after 1990. [57 FR 44096, Sept. 24, 1992] Sec. Appendix V to Subpart C of Part 404--Computing the Special Minimum
Primary Insurance Amount and Related Maximum Family Benefits
These tables are based on section 215(a)(1)(C)(i) of the Social Security Act, as amended. They include the percent cost-of-living increase shown in appendix VI for each effective date.
June 1979------------------------------------------------------------------------
Primary Maximum
I. Years of coverage insurance family
amount benefit------------------------------------------------------------------------11.............................................. $12.70 $19.1012.............................................. 25.30 38.0013.............................................. 38.00 57.0014.............................................. 50.60 75.9015.............................................. 63.20 94.9016.............................................. 75.90 113.9017.............................................. 88.50 132.8018.............................................. 101.20 151.8019.............................................. 113.80 170.7020.............................................. 126.40 189.6021.............................................. 139.10 208.7022.............................................. 151.70 227.6023.............................................. 164.40 246.6024.............................................. 177.00 265.5025.............................................. 189.60 284.5026.............................................. 202.30 303.5027.............................................. 214.90 322.4028.............................................. 227.50 341.3029.............................................. 240.20 360.3030.............................................. 252.80 379.20------------------------------------------------------------------------
June 1980------------------------------------------------------------------------
Primary Maximum
I. Years of coverage insurance family
amount benefit------------------------------------------------------------------------11.............................................. $14.60 $21.9012.............................................. 29.00 43.5013.............................................. 43.50 65.3014.............................................. 57.90 86.9015.............................................. 72.30 108.5016.............................................. 86.80 130.2017.............................................. 101.20 151.8018.............................................. 115.70 173.6019.............................................. 130.10 195.2020.............................................. 144.50 216.8021.............................................. 159.00 238.6022.............................................. 173.40 260.2023.............................................. 188.00 282.0024.............................................. 202.40 303.6025.............................................. 216.80 325.2026.............................................. 231.30 347.0027.............................................. 245.70 368.6028.............................................. 260.10 390.2029.............................................. 274.60 411.9030.............................................. 289.00 433.50------------------------------------------------------------------------
June 1981------------------------------------------------------------------------
Primary Maximum
I. Years of coverage insurance family
amount benefits------------------------------------------------------------------------11.............................................. $16.30 $24.5012.............................................. 32.30 48.5013.............................................. 48.40 72.7014.............................................. 64.40 96.7015.............................................. 80.40 120.7016.............................................. 96.60 144.9017.............................................. 112.60 168.9018.............................................. 128.70 193.1019.............................................. 144.70 217.1020.............................................. 160.70 241.1021.............................................. 176.90 265.4022.............................................. 192.90 289.4023.............................................. 209.10 313.7024.............................................. 225.10 337.7025.............................................. 241.10 361.70
26.............................................. 257.30 386.0027.............................................. 273.30 410.0028.............................................. 289.30 434.0029.............................................. 305.40 458.1030.............................................. 321.40 482.10------------------------------------------------------------------------
June 1982------------------------------------------------------------------------
Primary Maximum
I. Years of coverage insurance family
amount benefit------------------------------------------------------------------------11.............................................. $17.50 $26.3012.............................................. 34.60 52.0013.............................................. 51.90 78.0014.............................................. 69.10 103.8015.............................................. 86.30 129.6016.............................................. 103.70 155.6017.............................................. 120.90 181.3018.............................................. 138.20 207.3019.............................................. 155.40 233.1020.............................................. 172.50 258.9021.............................................. 189.90 285.0022.............................................. 207.10 310.8023.............................................. 224.50 336.9024.............................................. 241.70 362.6025.............................................. 258.90 388.4026.............................................. 276.30 414.5027.............................................. 293.50 440.3028.............................................. 310.70 466.1029.............................................. 327.90 491.9030.............................................. 345.10 517.70------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 1983------------------------------------------------------------------------
Primary Maximum
I. Years of coverage insurance family
amount benefit------------------------------------------------------------------------11.............................................. $18.10 $27.2012.............................................. 35.80 53.8013.............................................. 53.70 80.7014.............................................. 71.50 107.4015.............................................. 89.30 134.1016.............................................. 107.30 161.0017.............................................. 125.10 187.6018.............................................. 143.00 214.5019.............................................. 160.80 241.2020.............................................. 178.50 267.9021.............................................. 196.50 294.9022.............................................. 214.30 321.6023.............................................. 232.30 348.6024.............................................. 250.10 375.2025.............................................. 267.90 401.9026.............................................. 285.90 429.0027.............................................. 303.70 455.7028.............................................. 321.50 482.4029.............................................. 339.30 509.1030.............................................. 357.10 535.80------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 1984------------------------------------------------------------------------
Primary Maximum
I. Years of coverage insurance family
amount benefit------------------------------------------------------------------------11.............................................. $18.70 $28.1012.............................................. 37.00 55.6013.............................................. 55.50 83.5014.............................................. 74.00 111.1015.............................................. 92.40 138.7016.............................................. 111.00 166.6017.............................................. 129.40 194.1018.............................................. 148.00 222.0019.............................................. 166.40 249.6020.............................................. 184.70 277.2021.............................................. 203.30 305.2022.............................................. 221.80 332.8023.............................................. 240.40 360.8024.............................................. 258.80 388.3025.............................................. 277.20 415.9026.............................................. 295.90 444.0027.............................................. 314.30 471.6028.............................................. 332.70 499.2029.............................................. 351.10 526.9030.............................................. 369.50 554.50------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 1985------------------------------------------------------------------------
Primary Maximum
I. Years of coverage insurance family
amount benefit------------------------------------------------------------------------11.............................................. $19.20 $28.9012.............................................. 38.10 57.3013.............................................. 57.20 86.0014.............................................. 76.20 114.5015.............................................. 95.20 142.9016.............................................. 114.40 171.7017.............................................. 133.40 200.1018.............................................. 152.50 228.8019.............................................. 171.50 257.3020.............................................. 190.40 285.7021.............................................. 209.60 314.6022.............................................. 228.60 343.1023.............................................. 247.80 371.9024.............................................. 266.80 400.3025.............................................. 285.70 428.7026.............................................. 305.00 457.7027.............................................. 324.00 486.2028.............................................. 343.00 514.6029.............................................. 361.90 543.2030.............................................. 380.90 571.60------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 1986------------------------------------------------------------------------
Primary Maximum
I. Years of coverage insurance family
amount benefit------------------------------------------------------------------------11.............................................. $19.40 $29.2012.............................................. 38.50 58.0013.............................................. 57.90 87.1014.............................................. 77.10 115.9015.............................................. 96.40 144.7016.............................................. 115.80 173.9017.............................................. 135.10 202.7018.............................................. 154.40 231.7019.............................................. 173.70 260.6020.............................................. 192.80 289.4021.............................................. 212.30 318.6022.............................................. 231.50 347.5023.............................................. 251.00 376.7024.............................................. 270.20 405.5025.............................................. 289.40 434.2026.............................................. 308.90 463.6027.............................................. 328.20 492.5028.............................................. 347.40 521.20
29.............................................. 366.60 550.2030.............................................. 385.80 579.00------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 1987------------------------------------------------------------------------
II. Primary Maximum
I. Years of coverage insurance family
amount benefit------------------------------------------------------------------------11............................................ $20.20 $30.4012............................................ 40.10 60.4013............................................ 60.30 90.7014............................................ 80.30 120.7015............................................ 100.40 150.7016............................................ 120.60 181.2017............................................ 140.70 211.2018............................................ 160.80 241.4019............................................ 180.90 271.5020............................................ 200.80 301.5021............................................ 221.20 331.9022............................................ 241.20 362.0023............................................ 261.50 392.5024............................................ 281.50 422.5025............................................ 301.50 452.4026............................................ 321.80 483.0027............................................ 341.90 513.1028............................................ 361.90 543.0029............................................ 381.90 573.3030............................................ 402.00 603.30------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 1988------------------------------------------------------------------------
II. Primary Maximum
I. Years of coverage insurance family
amount benefit------------------------------------------------------------------------11............................................ $21.00 $31.6012............................................ 41.70 62.8013............................................ 62.70 94.3014............................................ 83.50 125.5015............................................ 104.40 156.7016............................................ 125.40 188.4017............................................ 146.30 219.6018............................................ 167.20 251.0019............................................ 188.10 282.3020............................................ 208.80 313.5021............................................ 230.00 345.1022............................................ 250.80 376.4023............................................ 271.90 408.2024............................................ 292.70 439.4025............................................ 313.50 470.4026............................................ 334.60 502.3027............................................ 355.50 533.6028............................................ 376.30 564.7029............................................ 397.10 596.2030............................................ 418.00 627.40------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 1989------------------------------------------------------------------------
II. Primary Maximum
I. Years of coverage insurance family
amount benefit------------------------------------------------------------------------11............................................ $21.90 $33.0012............................................ 43.60 65.7013............................................ 65.60 98.7014............................................ 87.40 131.3015............................................ 109.30 164.0016............................................ 131.20 197.2017............................................ 153.10 229.9018............................................ 175.00 262.7019............................................ 196.90 295.5020............................................ 218.60 328.2021............................................ 240.80 361.3022............................................ 262.50 394.0023............................................ 284.60 427.3024............................................ 306.40 460.0025............................................ 328.20 492.5026............................................ 350.30 525.9027............................................ 372.20 558.6028............................................ 393.90 591.2029............................................ 415.70 624.2030............................................ 437.60 656.80------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 1990------------------------------------------------------------------------
II. Primary Maximum
I. Years of coverage insurance family
amount benefit------------------------------------------------------------------------11............................................ $23.00 $34.7012............................................ 45.90 69.2013............................................ 69.10 104.0014............................................ 92.10 138.3015............................................ 115.20 172.8016............................................ 138.20 207.8017............................................ 161.30 242.3018............................................ 184.40 276.8019............................................ 207.50 311.4020............................................ 230.40 345.9021............................................ 253.80 380.8022............................................ 276.60 415.2023............................................ 299.90 450.3024............................................ 322.90 484.8025............................................ 345.90 519.0026............................................ 369.20 554.2027............................................ 392.20 588.7028............................................ 415.10 623.1029............................................ 438.10 657.9030............................................ 461.20 692.20------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 1991------------------------------------------------------------------------
II. Primary Maximum
I. Years of coverage insurance family
amount benefit------------------------------------------------------------------------11............................................ $23.80 $35.9012............................................ 47.50 71.7013............................................ 71.60 107.8014............................................ 95.50 143.4015............................................ 119.40 179.1016............................................ 143.30 215.4017............................................ 167.20 251.2018............................................ 191.20 287.0019............................................ 215.10 322.9020............................................ 238.90 358.6021............................................ 263.10 394.8022............................................ 286.80 430.5023............................................ 310.90 466.9024............................................ 334.80 502.7025............................................ 358.60 538.2026............................................ 382.80 574.7027............................................ 406.70 610.4028............................................ 430.40 646.1029............................................ 454.30 682.20
30............................................ 478.20 717.80------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: The amounts shown in the above table for years of coverage less
than 19 are not payable for June 1981 through December 1981 because
the corresponding values shown in column II are less than the $135.70
minimum primary insurance amount payable for that period. For months
after December 1981, a special minimum primary insurance amount of
$128.70 will be payable. [47 FR 30734, July 15, 1982, as amended at 52 FR 8248, Mar. 17, 1987; 57 FR 44097, Sept. 24, 1992; 57 FR 45878, Oct. 5, 1992]
Sec. Appendix VI to Subpart C of Part 404--Percentage of Automatic
Increases in Primary Insurance Amounts Since 1978 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Effective date increase------------------------------------------------------------------------06/79...................................................... 9.906/80...................................................... 14.306/81...................................................... 11.206/82...................................................... 7.412/83...................................................... 3.512/84...................................................... 3.512/85...................................................... 3.112/86...................................................... 1.312/87...................................................... 4.212/88...................................................... 4.012/89...................................................... 4.712/90...................................................... 5.412/91...................................................... 3.7------------------------------------------------------------------------ [57 FR 44097, Sept. 24, 1992] Sec. Appendix VII to Subpart C of Part 404--``Old-Law'' Contribution and
Benefit Base
Explanation: We use these figures to determine the earnings needed for a year of coverage for years after 1978 (see Sec. 404.261 and appendix IV). This is the contribution and benefit base that would have been effective under the Social Security Act without the enactment of the 1977 amendments. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Year Amount------------------------------------------------------------------------1979....................................................... $18,9001980....................................................... 20,4001981....................................................... 22,2001982....................................................... 24,3001983....................................................... 26,7001984....................................................... 28,2001985....................................................... 29,7001986....................................................... 31,5001987....................................................... 32,7001988....................................................... 33,6001989....................................................... 35,7001990....................................................... 38,1001991....................................................... 39,6001992....................................................... 41,400------------------------------------------------------------------------ [52 FR 8248, Mar. 17, 1987, as amended at 57 FR 44097, Sept. 24, 1992; 57 FR 45878, Oct. 5, 1992]