(a) What we mean by ``SGA''. In determining whether an individual's work is SGA, we will follow the rules in Secs. 416.972 through 416.975. We will follow these same rules for individuals who are statutorily blind, but we will evaluate the earnings in accordance with the rules in Sec. 404.1584(d) of this chapter.
(b) What we mean by ``a continuous period of 9 months''. A continuous period of 9 months ordinarily means a period of 9 consecutive calendar months. Exception: When an individual does not perform SGA in 9 consecutive calendar months, he or she will be considered to have done so if--
(1) The individual performs 9 months of SGA within 10 consecutive months and has monthly earnings that meet or exceed the guidelines in Sec. 416.974(b)(2), or Sec. 404.1584(d) of this chapter if the individual is statutorily blind, or
(2) The individual performs at least 9 months of SGA within 12 consecutive months, and the reason for not performing SGA in 2 or 3 of those months was due to circumstances beyond his or her control and unrelated to the impairment (e.g., the employer closed down for 3 months).
(c) What work we consider. In determining if a continuous period of SGA has been completed, all of an individual's work activity may be evaluated for purposes of this section, including work performed before October 1, 1981, during a trial work period, and after eligibility for disability or blindness payments ended. We will ordinarily consider only the first 9 months of SGA that occurs. The exception will be if an individual who completed 9 months of SGA later stops performing SGA, received VR services and then performs SGA for a 9-month period. See Sec. 416.2215 for the use of the continuous period in determining payment for VR services. [48 FR 6297, Feb. 10, 1983, as amended at 55 FR 8457, Mar. 8, 1990]