(a) Each State agency, in its annual program budget plan, shall describe its plan to carry out the requirements of this subpart in the following year. The plan shall include, where applicable, the outreach and affirmative action plans required by Sec. Sec. 653.107 and 653.111, respectively. For significant MSFW States, ETA shall establish program performance indicators reflecting equity indicators and indicators measuring minimum levels of service to MSFWs which the significant MSFW State agencies will be required to meet. These program performance indicator requirements shall be contained in the PBP Guidelines which ETA promulgates on an annual basis.
(b) Equity indicators shall address JS controllable services and shall include, at a minimum, individuals referred to a job; receiving counselling; receiving job development; receiving some service; and referred to supportive service.
(c) Minimum level of service indicators shall address other services to MSFWs and shall include, at a minimum, individuals placed in a job; placed in a job with a wage exceeding the Federal minimum wage by at least 50 cents/hour; placed long-term (150 days or more) in a non-agricultural job; review of significant MSFW local offices; field checks on agricultural clearance orders; outreach contacts per staff day; and processing of complaints. The determination of the minimum service levels required of significant MSFW States for each year shall be based on the following:
(1) Past State agency performance in serving MSFWs, as reflected in on-site reviews and data collected under Sec. 653.109;
(2) The need for services to MSFWs in the following year, comparing prior and projected levels of MSFW activity;
(3) The ETA program priorities for the following year; and
(4) Special circumstances and external factors existing in the particular State.
(d) The Regional Administrator shall review this portion of the PBP, and approve it upon making a written determination that it is acceptable in light of the requirements of this subpart. The Regional Administrator's written determination shall be available to the public upon request. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1205-0039) (Pub. L. No. 96-511, 94 Stat. 2812 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.)) [45 FR 39459, June 10, 1980, as amended at 47 FR 145, Jan. 5, 1982]