(a) The State agency, through its local offices or otherwise, shall conduct random, unannounced field checks at a significant number of agricultural worksites to which JS placements have been made through the intrastate or interstate clearance system. These field checks shall include visit(s) to the worksite at a time when workers are there. Both the employees and the employer shall be consulted, and JS shall determine and document whether wages, hours, working and housing conditions are as specified in job orders. JS staff shall keep records of all field checks. If State agency personnel observe or receive information, or otherwise have reason to believe that conditions are not as stated on the job order or that an employer is violating an employment related law, the State agency shall document the finding and attempt informal resolution. If the matter has not been resolved within 5 working days, the State agency shall follow the procedures set forth at subpart F of part 658 of this chapter. Violations of employment related laws shall be referred to appropriate enforcement agencies in writing.
(b) State agencies, to the maximum extent possible, shall make formal or informal arrangements with appropriate State and Federal enforcement agencies pursuant to which such agencies will agree to conduct compliance reviews in their areas of enforcement responsibility at agricultural worksites where the State agency has placed workers through the agricultural clearance system and to inform the State agency if violations are found. An enforcement agency compliance review shall satisfy the requirement for State agency field checks where all aspects of wages, hours, working and housing conditions have been reviewed by the enforcement agency reviews. The State agency shall supplement enforcement agency efforts with field checks focusing on areas not addressed by enforcement agencies. State agencies shall report difficulties in making such formal or informal arrangements with State enforcement agencies as well as deficiencies in State enforcement agency activities to the Regional Farm Labor Coordinated Enforcement Committee. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1205-0039) (Pub. L. No. 96-511, 94 Stat. 2812 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.)) [46 FR 39466, June 10, 1980, as amended at 47 FR 145, Jan. 5, 1982]