(a) Yes. A training provider must deliver results and provide accurate information in order to retain its status as an eligible training provider.
(b) If the provider's programs do not meet the established performance levels, the programs will be removed from the eligible provider list.
(1) A Local Board must determine, during the subsequent eligibility determination process, whether a provider's programs meet performance levels. If the program fails to meet such levels, the program must be removed from the local list. If all of the provider's programs fail to meet such levels, the provider must be removed from the local list.
(2) The designated State agency upon receipt of the performance information accompanying the local list, may remove programs from the State list if the agency determines the program failed to meet the levels of performance prescribed under Sec. 663.535(c). If all of the provider's programs are determined to have failed to meet the levels, the designated State agency may remove the provider from the State list.
(3) Providers determined to have intentionally supplied inaccurate information or to have subsequently violated any provision of title I of WIA or the WIA regulations, including 29 CFR part 37, may be removed from the list in accordance with the enforcement provisions of WIA section 122(f). A provider whose eligibility is terminated under these conditions is liable to repay all adult and dislocated worker training funds it received during the period of noncompliance.
(4) The Governor must establish appeal procedures for providers of training to appeal a denial of eligibility under this subpart according to the requirements of 20 CFR 667.640(b).