(a) Grant funds expended by States. Funds allotted to States under WIA sections 127(b) and 132(b) for any program year are available for expenditure by the State receiving the funds only during that program year and the two succeeding program years.
(b) Grant funds expended by local areas. (1) Funds allocated by a State to a local area under WIA sections 128(b) and 133(b), for any program year are available for expenditure only during that program year and the succeeding program year.
(1) Funds allocated by a State to a local area under WIA sections 128(b) and 133(b), for any program year are available for expenditure only during that program year and the succeeding program year.
(2) Funds which are not expended by a local area in the two-year period described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, must be returned to the State. Funds so returned are available for expenditure by State and local recipients and subrecipients only during the third program year of availability. These funds may:
(i) Be used for Statewide projects, or
(ii) Be distributed to other local areas which had fully expended their allocation of funds for the same program year within the two-year period.
(c) Job Corps. Funds obligated for any program year for any Job Corps activity carried out under title I, subtitle C, of WIA may be expended during that program year and the two succeeding program years.
(d) Funds awarded under WIA sections 171 and 172. Funds obligated for any program year for a program or activity authorized under sections 171 or 172 of WIA remain available until expended.
(e) Other programs under title I of WIA. For all other grants, contracts and cooperative agreements issued under title I of WIA the period of availability for expenditure is set in the terms and conditions of the award document.