The regulations in this subpart govern the adjudication of claims in which the employer has filed a notice of controversion under Sec. 702.251, or the employee has filed notice of contest under Sec. 702.261. In the vast majority of cases, the problem giving rise to the controversy results from misunderstandings, clerical or mechanical errors, or mistakes of fact or law. Such problems seldom require resolution through formal hearings, with the attendant production of expert witnesses. Accordingly, by Sec. 702.311 et seq., the district directors are empowered to amicably and promptly resolve such problems by informal procedures. Where there is a genuine dispute of fact or law which cannot be so disposed of informally, resort must be had to the formal hearing procedures as set forth beginning at Sec. 702.331. Supplementary compensation orders, modifications, and interlocutory matters are governed by regulations beginning with Sec. 702.371. Thereafter, appeals from compensation orders are discussed beginning with Sec. 702.391 (the regulations of the Benefits Review Board are set forth in full in part 802 of this title).
Action by District Directors