Milk, fluid milk products, ice cream and other frozen desserts, butter, cheese, and shellfish served or sold on conveyances shall conform to the following requirements:
(a) Milk and fluid milk products, including cream, buttermilk, skim milk, milk beverages, and reconstituted milk, shall be pasteurized and obtained from a source of supply approved by the Commissioner of Food and Drugs. The Commissioner of Food and Drugs shall approve any source of supply at or from which milk or fluid milk products are produced, processed, and distributed so as to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of communicable diseases. If a source of supply of milk or fluid milk products has not been approved, the Commissioner of Food and Drugs may permit its temporary use under such conditions as, in his judgment, are necessary to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of communicable diseases. Containers of milk and fluid milk products shall be plainly labeled to show the contents, the word ``pasteurized'', and the identity of the plant at which the contents were packaged by name and address, provided that a code may be used in lieu of address.
(b) Ice cream, other frozen desserts, and butter shall be manufactured from milk or milk products that have been pasteurized or subjected to equivalent heat treatment.
(c) Cheese shall be (1) pasteurized or subjected to equivalent heat treatment, (2) made from pasteurized milk products or from milk products which have been subjected to equivalent heat treatment, or (3) cured for not less than 60 days at a temperature not less than 35 [deg]F.
(d) Milk, buttermilk, and milk beverages shall be served in or from the original individual containers in which received from the distributor, or from a bulk container equipped with a dispensing device so designed, constructed, installed, and maintained as to prevent the transmission of communicable diseases.
(e) Shellfish purchased for consumption on any conveyance shall originate from a dealer currently listed by the Public Health Service as holding an unexpired and unrevoked certificate issued by a State authority.
(f) Shucked shellfish shall be purchased in the containers in which they are placed at the shucking plant and shall be kept therein until used. The State abbreviation and the certificate number of the packers shall be permanently recorded on the container. [40 FR 5624, Feb. 6, 1975, as amended at 48 FR 11432, Mar. 18, 1983]