(a) Identity. (1) Canned field corn conforms to the definition and standard of identity, and is subject to the requirements for label declaration of ingredients, prescribed for canned corn by Sec. 155.130(a), except that the corn ingredient consists of succulent field corn or a mixture of succulent field corn and succulent sweet corn.
(1) Canned field corn conforms to the definition and standard of identity, and is subject to the requirements for label declaration of ingredients, prescribed for canned corn by Sec. 155.130(a), except that the corn ingredient consists of succulent field corn or a mixture of succulent field corn and succulent sweet corn.
(2) The name of the food conforms to the name specified in Sec. 155.130(a)(5), except that the words ``Corn'', ``Sweet corn'', and ``Sugar corn'' are replaced by the words ``Field corn'', and the term ``Golden field corn'' is not used.
(b) [Reserved]
(c) Fill of container. Canned cream-style field corn conforms to the standard of fill of container and label statement of substandard fill prescribed for canned cream-style corn by Sec. 155.130(c). [42 FR 14449, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 58 FR 2882, Jan. 6, 1993]