Chemicals may be safely used to assist in the delinting of cottonseed in accordance with the following conditions:
(a) The chemicals consist of one or more of the following:
(1) Substances generally recognized as safe for direct addition to food.
(2) Substances identified in this paragraph and subject to such limitations as are provided: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Substances Limitations------------------------------------------------------------------------alpha-Alkyl-omega-hydroxypoly- May be used at an
(oxyethylene) produced by condensation of application rate not to
a linear primary alcohol containing an exceed 0.3 percent by
average chain length of 10 carbons with weight of cottonseeds to
poly(oxyethylene) having an average of 5 enhance delinting of
ethylene oxide units. cottonseeds intended for
the production of
cottonseed oil. Byproducts
including lint, hulls, and
meal may be used in animal
An alkanomide produced by condensation of May be used at an
coconut oil fatty acids and dietha application rate not to
nolamine, CAS Reg. No. 068603-42-9. exceed 0.2 percent by
weight of cottonseeds to
enhance delinting of
cottonseeds intended for
the production of
cottonseed oil. Byproducts
including lint, hulls, and
meal may be used in animal
feed.------------------------------------------------------------------------ [47 FR 8346, Feb. 26, 1982]