Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 21  /  Part 177  /  Sec. 177.1315 Ethylene-1, 4-cyclohexylene dimethylene

Ethylene-1, 4-cyclohexylene dimethylene terephthalate copolymer may be safely used as articles or components of articles intended for use in contact with food subject to provisions of this section and of part 174 of this chapter.

(a) Identity. For the purposes of this section, ethylene-1,4-cyclohexylene dimethylene terephthalate copolymers (1,4-benzene dicarboxylic acid, dimethyl ester, polymerized with 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol and 1,2-ethanediol) (CAS Reg. No. 25640-14-6) or (1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid, polymerized with 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol and 1,2-ethanediol) (CAS Reg. No. 25038-91-9) are basic copolymers meeting the specifications prescribed in paragraph (b) of this section, to which may have been added certain optional substances required in their production or added to impart desired physical or technical properties.

(b) Specifications: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



fractions of the

copolymer in the

finished form at

Ethylene-1,4-cyclohexylene specified

dimethylene terephthalate Inherent viscosity temperatures and Test for Conditions of use

copolymers times (expressed orientability

in micrograms of

the terephthaloyl


centimeter of food-

contact surface)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Non-oriented ethylene-1,4- Inherent viscosity (1) 0.23 microgram No test required.. In contact with

cyclohexylene dimethylene of a 0.50 percent per square foods, including

terephthalate copolymer is the solution of the centimeter (1.5 foods containing

reaction product of dimethyl copolymer in micrograms per not more than 25

terephthalate or terephthalic phenol- square inch) of percent (by

acid with a mixture containing tetrachloroethane food-contact volume) aqueous

99 to 66 mole percent of (60:40 ratio wt/ surface when alcohol,

ethylene glycol and 1 to 34 wt) solvent is extracted with excluding

mole percent of 1,4-cyclo- not less than water added at carbonated

hexanedimethanol (70 percent 0.669 as 82.2 C (180 F) beverages and

trans isomer, 30 percent cls determined by and allowed to beer. Conditions

isomer). using a Wagner cool to 48.9 C of hot fill not

viscometer (or (120 F) in to exceed 82.2 C

equivalent) and contact with the (180 F), storage

calculated from food-contact at temperatures

the following article. not in excess of

equation: 48.9 C (120 F).

Inherent No thermal

viscosity = treatment in the

(Natural container.

logarithm of (Nr)/

(c) where:

Nr=Ratio of flow

time of the

polymer solution

to that of the

solvent, and


of the test


expressed in

grams per 100

milliliters. (2) 0.23 microgram Do.

per square

centimeter (1.5

micrograms per

square inch) of


surface when

extracted with 3

percent (by

volume) aqueous

acetic acid added

at 82.2 C (180 F)

and allowed to

cool to 48.9 C

(120 F) in

contact with the


article. (3) 0.08 microgram Do.

per square

centimeter (0.5

microgram per

square inch) of


surface when

extracted for 2

hours with n-

heptane at 48.9 C

(120 F). The



results are to be

divided by a

factor of 5. (4) 0.16 microgram Do.

per square

centimeter (1.0

microgram per

square inch) of


surface when

extracted for 24

hours with 25

percent (by

volume) aqueous

ethanol at 48.9 C

(1) 0.23 microgram When extracted In contact with

cyclohexylene dimethylene per square with heptane at nonalcoholic

terephthalate copolymer is the centimeter (1.5 65.6 C (150 F) foods including

reaction product of dimethyl micrograms per for 2 hours: carbonated

terephthalate or terephthalic square inch) of terephthaloyl beverages.

acid with a mixture containing food-contact moieties do not Conditions of hot

99 to 85 mole percent ethylene surface of the exceed 0.09 fill not

glycol and 1 to 15 mole percent oriented microgram per exceeding 87.8 C

of 1,4-cyclohexane-di-methanol copolymer when square centimeter (190 F), storage

(70 percent trans isomer, 30 extracted with (0.60 microgram at temperatures

percent cls isomer). water added at per square inch) not in excess of

87.8 C (190 F) of food-contact 48.9 C (120 F).

and allowed to surface. No thermal

cool to 48.9 C treatment in the

(120 F) in container.

contact with the


article. (2) 0.23 microgram Do.

per square

centimeter (1.5

micrograms per

square inch) of


surface of


copolymer when

extracted with 3

percent (by

volume) aqueous

acetic acid added

at 87.8 C (190 F)

and allowed to

cool to 48.9 C

(120 F) in

contact with the


article. (3) 0.08 microgram Do.

per square

centimeter (0.5

microgram per

square inch) of


surface of


copolymer when

extracted for 2

hours with n-

heptane at 48.9 C

(120 F). The



results are to be

divided by a

factor of 5. (4) 0.23 microgram In contact with

per square foods and

centimeter (1.5 beverages

micrograms per containing up to

square inch) of 20 percent (by

food-contact volume) alcohol.

surface of Conditions of

oriented thermal treatment

copolymer when in the container

extracted with 20 not exceeding

percent (by 65.6 C (150 F)

volume) aqueous for 20 minutes.

ethanol heated to Storage at

65.6 C (150 F) temperatures not

for 20 minutes in excess of 48.9

and allowed to C (120 F).

cool to 48.9 C

(120 F) in

contact with the


article. (5) 0.23 microgram In contact with

per square foods and

centimeter (1.5 beverages

micrograms per containing up to

square inch) of 50 percent (by

food-contact volume) alcohol.

surface of Conditions of

oriented fill and storage

copolymer when not exceeding

extracted with 50 48.9 C (120 F).

percent (by No thermal

volume) aqueous treatment in the

ethanol at 48.9 C container.

(120 F) for 24

hours.3. Ethylene-1,4-cyclohexylene No test required.. For each No test required.. For each

dimethylene terephthalate corresponding corresponding

copolymer is the reaction condition of use, specification,

product of dimethyl must meet may be used as a

terephthalate or terephthalic specifications base sheet and

acid with a mixture containing described in Sec. base polymer in

99 to 95 mole percent of 177.1630(f), accordance with

ethylene glycol and 1 to 5 mole (g), (h), or (j). conditions of use

percent of 1,4- described in Sec.

cyclohexanedimethanol (70 177.1630(f),

percent trans isomer, 30 (g), (h), or (j).

percent cis isomer).----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(c) Analytical method for determination of extractability. The total extracted terephthaloyl moieties can be determined in the extracts, without evaporation of the solvent, by measuring the ultraviolet (UV) absorbance at 240 nanometers. The spectrophotometer (Varian 635-D, or equivalent) is zeroed with a sample of the solvent taken from the same lot used in the extraction tests. The concentration of the total terephthaloyl moieties in water, 3 percent acetic acid, and in 8 percent aqueous alcohol is calculated as bis(2-hydroxyethyl terephthalate) by reference to standards prepared in the appropriate solvent. Concentration of the terephthaloyl moieties in heptane is calculated as cyclic trimer (C6H4CO2C2H4CO2)3, by reference to standards prepared in 95:5 percent (v/v) heptane: tetrahydrofuran. [45 FR 39252, June 10, 1980, as amended at 47 FR 24288, June 4, 1982; 49 FR 25629, June 22, 1984; 51 FR 22929, June 24, 1986; 60 FR 57926, Nov. 24, 1995]