(a) All FDA's policies and programs will be planned, developed, and implemented to achieve the policies declared by NEPA and required by CEQ's regulations to ensure responsible stewardship of the environment for present and future generations.
(b) Assessment of environmental factors continues throughout planning and is integrated with other program planning at the earliest possible time to ensure that planning and decisions reflect environmental values, to avoid delays later in the process, and to avoid potential conflicts.
(c) For actions initiated by the agency, the NEPA process will begin when the agency action under consideration is first identified. For actions initiated by applicants or petitioners, NEPA planning begins when FDA receives from an applicant or petitioner an EA or a claim that a categorical exclusion applies, or when FDA personnel consult with applicants or petitioners on the NEPA-related aspects of their requested actions. FDA may issue a public call for environmental data or otherwise consult with affected individuals or groups when a contemplated action in which it is or may be involved poses potential significant environmental effects.
(d) Environmental documents shall concentrate on timely and significant issues, not amass needless detail.
(e) If a proposed action for which an EIS will be prepared involves possible environmental effects that are required to be considered under statutes or Executive Orders other than those referred to under ``Authority'' in this part, these effects shall be considered in the NEPA review, consistent with 40 CFR 1502.25 and the HHS General Administration Manual, part 30: Environmental Protection.