(a) Inspection reports (containing information as established under Sec. 26.8), including a good manufacturing practice (GMP) compliance assessment, prepared by authorities listed as equivalent, will be provided to the authority of the importing party. Based on the determination of equivalence in light of the experience gained, these inspection reports will normally be endorsed by the authority of the importing party, except under specific and delineated circumstances. Examples of such circumstances include indications of material inconsistencies or inadequacies in an inspection report, quality defects identified in the postmarket surveillance or other specific evidence of serious concern in relation to product quality or consumer safety. In such cases, the authority of the importing party may request clarification from the authority of the exporting party which may lead to a request for reinspection. The authorities will endeavor to respond to requests for clarification in a timely manner.
(b) Where divergence is not clarified in this process, an authority of the importing country may carry out an inspection of the production facility.