This part specifies the conditions by which each party will accept or recognize results of conformity assessment procedures, produced by the other party's conformity assessment bodies (CAB's) or authorities, in assessing conformity to the importing party's requirements, as specified on a sector-specific basis in subparts A and B of this part, and to provide for other related cooperative activities. The objective of such mutual recognition is to provide effective market access throughout the territories of the parties with regard to conformity assessment for all products covered under this part. If any obstacles to such access arise, consultations will promptly be held. In the absence of a satisfactory outcome of such consultations, the party alleging its market access has been denied may, within 90 days of such consultation, invoke its right to terminate the ``Agreement on Mutual Recognition Between the United States of America and the European Community,'' from which this part is derived, in accordance with Sec. 26.80.