(a) Each request for determination of eligibility:
(1) May involve only one drug (or one combination of drugs) in one dosage form;
(2) May not involve a new animal drug that is contained in or a product of a transgenic animal;
(3) May not involve the same drug in the same dosage form for the same intended use as a drug that is already approved or conditionally approved; and
(4) Must be submitted separately.
(b) A request for determination of eligibility for indexing may involve multiple intended uses and/or multiple minor species. However, if a request for determination of eligibility for indexing that contains multiple intended uses and/or multiple minor species cannot be granted in any part, the entire request will be denied.
(c) A requestor must submit two copies of a dated request signed by the authorized contact person for determination of eligibility for indexing that contains the following:
(1) Identification of the minor species or groups of minor species for which the new animal drug is intended;
(2) Information regarding drug components and composition;
(3) A statement of the intended use(s) of the new animal drug in the identified minor species or groups of minor species;
(4) A statement of the proposed conditions of use associated with the stated intended use(s) of the new animal drug, including the proposed dosage, route of administration, contraindications, warnings, and any other significant limitations associated with the intended use(s) of the new animal drug;
(5) A brief discussion of the need for the new animal drug for the intended use(s);
(6) An estimate of the anticipated annual distribution of the new animal drug, in terms of the total quantity of active ingredient, after indexing;
(7) Information to establish that the new animal drug is intended for use:
(i) In a minor species for which there is a reasonable certainty that the animal or edible products from the animal will not be consumed by humans or food-producing animals; or
(ii) In a hatchery, tank, pond, or other similar contained man-made structure in (which includes on) an early, non-food life stage of a food-producing minor species, and information to demonstrate food safety in accordance with the standards of section 512(d) of the act and Sec. 514.111 of this chapter (including, for an antimicrobial new animal drug, with respect to antimicrobial resistance);
(8) A description of the methods used in, and the facilities and controls used for, the manufacture, processing and packing of the new animal drug sufficient to demonstrate that the requestor has established appropriate specifications for the manufacture and control of the new animal drug and that the requestor has an understanding of current good manufacturing practices;
(9) Either a claim for categorical exclusion under Sec. 25.30 or Sec. 25.33 of this chapter or an environmental assessment under Sec. 25.40 of this chapter;
(10) Information sufficient to support the conclusion that the new animal drug is safe under section 512(d) of the act with respect to individuals exposed to the new animal drug through its manufacture and use; and
(11) The name and address of the contact person or permanent-resident U.S. agent.