(a) Specifications. The emulsifiable liquid contains 11.6 percent N-(mercaptomethyl) phthalimide S-(O,O- dimethyl phosphorodithioate).
(b) Sponsor. See No. 000061 in Sec. 510.600(c) of this chapter.
(c) Conditions of use--(1) Methods of application. Methods of application to control the following conditions on beef cattle: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dilution rate (gal. drug:
To control/method of use gal. of water)------------------------------------------------------------------------Grubs:
Dip..................................... 1:60
Pour-on................................. 1:2
Spray................................... 1:49Lice:
Dip..................................... 1:60
Pour-on................................. 1:2 or 1:5
Spray................................... 1:49 or 1:100Hornflies:
Dip..................................... 1:60
Spray................................... 1:49 or 1:100Cattle Ticks:
Dip..................................... 1:60 or 1:240
Spray................................... 1:49Southern cattle ticks:
Dip..................................... 1:60 or 1:240
Spray................................... 1:49Scabies mites:............................
Dip..................................... 1:60Lone Star Ticks:
Dip..................................... 1:60
Spray................................... 1:49 or 1:100------------------------------------------------------------------------
(i) Dip vat procedure. (a) Prior to charging vat, empty old contents and thoroughly clean the vat. Dip vats should be calibrated to maintain an accurate dilution. Add water, then drug to the vat according to the dilution rate indicated in the table. Add super phosphate at a rate of 100 pounds per 1,000 gallons of vat solution. Super phosphate is added to control the pH of the solution and ensure vat stability. Super phosphate is usually available at most fertilizer dealers as 0-45-0 or 0-46-0. Stir the dip thoroughly, preferably with a compressed air device; however, any form of thorough mixing is adequate. Re-stir vat contents prior to each use. During the dipping operation, each time the dip's volume is reduced by \1/8\ to \1/4\ of its initial volume, replenish with water and add the drug at a rate of 1 gallon for each 50 or 200 gallons water added--depending on dilution rate 1:60 or 1:240. Also add super phosphate as necessary to maintain pH between 4.5 and 6.5. Stir well and resume dipping. Repeat replenishment process as necessary. For evaportion, add additional water accordingly. For added water due to rainfall, merely replenish dip with the product according to directions. If overflow occurs, either analyze for drug concentration and adjust accordingly or dispose of vat contents and recharge. Check pH after each addition of water or super phosphate to assure proper pH controls.
(b) Dip maintenance. (1) With use of dip vat tester, dipping may continue as long as the drug concentration is maintained between 0.15 and 0.25 percent, and the dip is not too foul for satisfactory use as indicated by foul odor or excessive darkening (i.e., color changes from beige to very dark brown).
(1) With use of dip vat tester, dipping may continue as long as the drug concentration is maintained between 0.15 and 0.25 percent, and the dip is not too foul for satisfactory use as indicated by foul odor or excessive darkening (i.e., color changes from beige to very dark brown).
(2) Without use of dip vat tester, vat should be emptied, cleaned, and recharged each time one of the following occurs: When the dip has been charged for 120 days; when the dip becomes too foul for satisfactory use, within the 120-day limit; if the number of animals dipped equals twice the number of gallons of the initial dip volume, within the 120-day limit.
(ii) Spray method. To prepare the spray, mix drug with water according to table and stir thoroughly. Apply the fresh mixture as a high-pressure spray, taking care to wet the skin, not just the hair. Apply to the point of ``runoff,'' about 1 gallon of diluted spray per adult animal. Lesser amounts will permit runoff for younger animals.
(iii) Pour-on method. Dilute the drug with water according to table by slowly adding water to the product while stirring. Apply 1 ounce of the diluted mixture per 100 pounds of body weight (to a maximum of 8 ounces per head) down the center line of the back.
(2) Timing of applications for cattle grub control. For optimum cattle grub control, it is important to treat as soon as possible after the heel fly season, before the grub larvae reach the gullet or spinal canal, as the rapid kill of large numbers of larvae in these tissues may cause toxic side effects, such as bloat, salivation, staggering, and paralysis.
(3) Treatment regimens. (i) Control of scabies mites requires two treatments, 10 to 14 days apart.
(i) Control of scabies mites requires two treatments, 10 to 14 days apart.
(ii) Control of Lone Star Ticks and hornflies requires two treatments, 7 days apart.
(4) Warnings. The drug is a cholinesterase inhibitor. Do not use this drug on animals simultaneously or within a few days before or after treatment with or exposure to cholinesterase-inhibiting drugs, pesticides, or chemicals. Do not apply within 21 days of slaughter. For use on beef cattle only. Do not treat sick, convalescent, or stressed cattle, or calves less than 3 months old except in Federal or State eradication programs where immediate treatment of all animals in an infested herd is mandatory. Be sure free access to drinking water is available to cattle prior to dipping. Do not dip excessively thirsty animals. Do not dip animals when overheated. Repeat treatment as necessary but not more often than every 7 to 10 days. Treatment for lice, ticks, hornflies, and scabies mites may be made any time of the year except when cattle grub larvae are in the gullet or spinal canal. Treatment for lice, ticks, and scabies mites may be made any time 7 to 10 days following treatment for grubs. Do not treat grubs when the grub larvae are in the gullet or spinal canal. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Do not breathe spray mist. Wear rubber gloves, goggles, and protective clothing. In case of skin contact, wash immediately with soap and water; for eyes, flush with water. Wash all contaminated clothing with soap and hot water before re-use.
(d) Related tolerances. See 40 CFR 180.261. [40 FR 13873, Mar. 27, 1975, as amended at 46 FR 27914, May 22, 1981; 48 FR 39607, Sept. 1, 1983; 54 FR 51021, Dec. 12, 1989; 61 FR 8873, Mar. 6, 1996; 62 FR 61626, Nov. 19, 1997; 63 FR 5255, Feb. 2, 1998]