(a) Approvals. See sponsor numbers in Sec. 510.600(c) of this chapter for Type A medicated articles as follow:
(1) No. 000986: 2.4 and 8 grams per pound (g/lb).
(2) No. 054771: 0.6 and 1.6 g/lb.
(b) Related tolerances. See Sec. 556.330 of this chapter.
(c) Conditions of use. It is used in feed as follows:
(1) Chickens-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Combination in grams
(i) 8 to 12....................... ..................... Chickens: For Withdraw 3 days 000986
control of before slaughter. 054771
infestation of
large roundworms
(Ascaris galli),
cecal worms
gallinae), and
capillary worms
obsignata).(ii) 8 to 12...................... Tylosin 4 to 50...... Chickens: For Withdraw 3 days 000986
control of before slaughter.
infestations of Tylosin as tylosin
large roundworms phosphate as
(Ascaris galli), provided by No.
cecal worms 000986 in Sec.
(Heterakis 510.600 of this
gallinae), and chapter.
capillary worms
obsignata); growth
promotion and feed
(2) Swine-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Combination in grams
(i) 12............................ ..................... Swine: For control Withdraw 15 days 000986
of infestation of before slaughter. 054771
large roundworms
(Ascaris suis),
nodular worms
dentatum), and
(Trichuris suis).(ii) 12........................... Tylosin 10 to 100.... Swine: For control Feed continuously as 000986
of infestations of follows: Animal
large roundworms weight (lbs.):
(Ascaris suis), Up to 40 . . . 20
nodular worms to 100 \1\.
(Oesophagostomum 41 to 100 . . . 20
dentatum), and to 40 \1\.
whipworms 101 to market
(Trichuris suis); weight . . . 10 to
growth promotion 20 \1\.
and feed efficiency. Withdraw 15 days
before slaughter.
Tylosin as tylosin
phosphate as
provided by No.
000986 in Sec.
510.600 of this
chapter.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ Amount of Tylosin (g/t). [79 FR 10982, Feb. 27, 2014, as amended at 79 FR 19815, Apr. 10, 2014]